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Lia's pov:
We didn't do much that afternoon, but for dinner, Adam took all us 250 Kawi riders to dinner at Chipotle. We met up with Axell and Gabriella there and it was a pretty fun time.

I went back with Axell and Gabriella to the hotel after telling all the boys goodnight, I took a shower and went straight to bed because I was going to wake up early tomorrow otherwise I might be in trouble.

Axell's pov:
I woke up to Gabriella laying back down in bed, she groaned.

"I cannot wait for this stubborn little child to get out of here!" She whisper-yelled and pointed to her stomach after seeing I was awake.

"Yeah yeah. You will spoil her more than ever babe." I said and gave her a morning kiss, "probably." Gabriella responded and then put the covers back over her and fell right back asleep.

I wasn't tired anymore and there wasn't much to do but it was already 6:50 and so I took a shower and then got all my stuff ready for this afternoon when I do freestyle.

One of my sisters alarms went off at 7:10 and she didn't move. I turned the volume up louder and that pissed Lia off. She groaned and aggressively reached for her phone to turn the alarm off.

"Morning." I said to her and she just huffed and laid back down. "Lia get up or your going to be late." I said and she just glared at me before standing up and picking out an outfit before going into the bathroom and getting ready.

Lia's pov:
I got all ready and almost fell asleep standing up while waiting for Gabriella to finish up. I put my gear bag into the back of the truck along with Axell's gear bag and then he drove us to the stadium and we arrive right on time.

"See ya guys." I got out of the truck and walked straight to the empty pits and found Kawasaki, all the boys were there and I threw my stuff on the floor.

"Morning Lia." Adam told me and I just rolled my eyes, "it's too damn early. Not even the sun is out yet." I looked around and it was only 7:45 and all riders were supposed to be here at 8.

"Aw poor you. You ready to lose tonight?" Forkner said and I just glared at him.
"Shut up. I'll beat your ass, don't even start." I said back and Austin mocked me.

McAdoo laughed at both of us and then we all went to the team meeting at 8. After that, it was free time until 9 and then track sight at 11. We were all bored and just waiting for the time to be 11 and it finally was.

I pulled all the boys towards the track and Adam followed me to the whoops section, "these look fun." I said and Adam didn't agree because he wasn't the best in the whoops, he was better in the straightaways.

"Ohh what about this part?" Adam pulled me towards the sandy section, my eyes went wide and I groaned. I hate sand especially in the turns. When I was younger, I was racing against Axell and I was full throttle in the sandy turn and my tire slid and the bike fell on top of me. Turns out I fractured my wrist and so ever since then, I'm pretty cautious when sand is involved.

"Why'd they add that?" I complained and Adam just laughed. Track sight was done and now we waited until 12 for the pits to open to the public. There was a lot of people here in Glendale and I was a bit nervous. All the lines started to form and Kawasaki was getting pretty busy, I signed a few hats and supercross even got posters of me, for me to sign.

I felt pretty legit and those posters disappeared quickly so I walked over to Husqvarna and saw Gabriella hanging with Paige Craig and all her kids. "Lennon look, it's Lia." Paige pointed to me and Lennon came running over, I bent down and gave her a hug and picked her up.

"Did ya miss me?" I asked and Lennon nodded, "are you going to leave again?" She asked and I shook my head no. "Good cause I need a new babysitter mommy said." Lennon told me and I laughed.

"Sure." I said and Paige smiled, "yay!" Lennon said and then I put her back down so she could play with Madden. I saw Jagger and waved and he smiled then went back to playing with his scooter and watching his dad sign autographs.

I was too busy talking with Paige and Gabriella that Christian came up to me and reminded me that qualifying was in about 10 minutes. "Oh thanks for reminding me. See ya guys!" I waved and walked back to Kawasaki to meet up with my teammates.

"Hey y'all I'm back." I shouted and Adam told me to shut up, "go kiss your dogs ass." I said back and he laughed. "You ready for qualifying?" Cameron asked and I shook my head no. "Me neither."

I got on my bike after getting all geared up and I rode past Honda and saw Chase, that girl was right behind him too and I could feel me starting to get jealous again. Take your mind off him and put it on the race. I reminded myself and lined up at the gates.

The stands weren't super crowded since it was just qualifying, but there was still a lot of people and my hands started to sweat. Oh shit.

My mechanic told me a few things and I gave him the thumbs up as I started my bike and the gates were getting ready to drop. Let's get this fucking qualifying done.

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