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Lia's pov:
It's been about 3 weeks since I left San Diego. Life in Illinois went back to normal and I went back to my job. My house still felt the same as before and the racetrack there was also the same. The only thing different in Illinois was me. I wasn't the same person as I was 2 months ago before I left.

It only took a week to adjust but now I'm back on schedule. I would wake up, go to work and college, come home and do any homework, go to the track until dinner, and come back home for the rest of the night. Life now felt like it was a loop. Nothing exciting ever happened and nothing changed.

A few boys at the track would ask me for my number and I actually went out with maybe two of them, but I never ended up liking any. None of them were named Chase Sexton and none of them acted like him. I missed home but this is my home, San Diego isn't.

I picked up an extra job on the weekend because I needed to make money for rent on the house. It was a Saturday afternoon and I was just coming home from my first job, waitressing. I got home and changed into some comfier clothes and got ready for my last job. I ate a small meal and looked at my phone, a call.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey it's Cameron. I haven't talked to you since you left and I was wondering how you're doing."

"Hey McAdoo, it's been great. Nothings really changed here, how about you?" I asked.

"That's good. I won last weekends main and so I'm pretty excited but nervous for tonight, especially since it's triple crown night." Cameron said and I laughed.

"That's good you won. How's everyone else?" I asked. "Well Forkners good, Adam has been pretty sad since you left and Chase. Oh man he's a wreck. He doesn't want us to know but he stays late each race and always looks at a jersey you left on accident." I sighed.

I didn't want to hurt anyone by leaving.

"Oh well how's your racing?" I tried to changed the topic, "Lia. No. You can't just act like you suddenly don't care about him anymore. Chase isn't the same and I bet 10 grand you aren't either, you should think about moving back here for real." Cameron told me and I just rolled my eyes.

"Yeah I'm glad you want me to move back but I can't. I just got used to being back here and I'm not moving again, I hurt too many people the first time." I exclaimed and it was silent.

"I'm sorry Lia, I didn't mean to make you mad. Listen I've gotta go but I hope you enjoy your life in Illinois. I'll talk to you later." McAdoo said and I told him bye then hung up.

I looked at the time and I needed to be on my way to the house. I parked my truck in their driveway and walked up to the door, "oh hello Lia. The kids are a bit crazy right now, I just fed the baby and so she shouldn't need anything else except maybe a diaper change before bed. Aiden needs dinner and same with Ally, have fun tonight. Oh and there's cash on the counter for your pay, good luck!" Vanessa told me and walked out of the front door while pulling her husband with her.

"Lia!" Ally screamed and ran towards me, I picked her up and gave the little girl a hug.
"Hey, are you hungry?" I asked and she nodded. "What about you Aiden?" Her twin nodded his head and sat down at the dinner table while I took the chicken nuggets out of the oven and served them on a plate to the kids. Baby Taylor was asleep in her bouncer and so I just talked to the 5 year old twins.

"Mommy's having another baby!" Ally shouted, "yes I know. You tell me this every time." I laughed.
"I hope it's another sister." She told me. "I hope it's a boy. I need a brother." Aiden said as he was making a huge mess with his dinner.

The night went on and I gave both the twins a bath and changed Taylor's diaper while the twins watched tv. I tried to rock the baby to sleep but she was getting fussy. "Cmon Taylor. Go sleepy time, you're very tired looking." I talked to her but obviously she didn't respond. "Damn it." I mumbled when she cried even louder.

Taylor was all happy once I put her in her baby bouncer and so I left her there while grabbing the twins and putting their pjs on. It was about 8 o'clock when Ally and Aiden went to bed and the parents weren't going to be home until 10, so I had 2 hours to just make sure everyone was asleep and safe.

I was holding Taylor and she fell asleep so I just sat on the sofa with her in my arms as I watched tv. I heard someone come downstairs and I heard tiny footsteps on the floor, I looked behind me and saw Ally crying. I put the baby down in her crib and payed attention to Ally, "what's wrong babe?" I asked.

"Mommy isn't here." She pouted and tears came down her tiny face. "Yeah mommy isn't here. She's with daddy at a meeting, but I'm here! And I'm watching you?" I told her and she buried her face in my shoulder. "I miss my family." Ally said and I felt that. I rubbed her back as she fell back asleep in my arms and I felt so bad for this little girl and her siblings.

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