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Lia's pov:
The races were starting in about a hour and so I walked back to Honda and saw Chase sitting down. I walked up to him and he leaned down to give me a kiss, "I missed you pretty girl." He said and I smiled.

We were standing there talking to Jett and the other mechanics when Axell came up to us.
"Ryder left I'm pretty sure, nobody has seen him since I dealt with him." He told us and I groaned.

"Axell what'd you do to him?" I asked and Chase put an arm around my shoulder, "I just gave him a little reminder not to come back for you." Axell said and Jett laughed. I just rolled my eyes but thanked my amazing brother, "where'd you put Gabriella and Ava?" I asked. "They went to find Paige." Axell said.

"Holy shit!" I yelled and interrupted the boys' conversation, Chase looked at me with a concerned look.
"Lia are you good?" He quickly asked, "Yup. God this one's a kicker!" I shouted and tried to catch my breath, the other boys were silent. Chase grabbed my hand while I was holding my stomach and he walked me inside the trailer and sat down with me on the couch. "Whew! It's hot out there." I said and lifted up my sweaty t-shirt while Chase laughed and put a chair in front of my feet so I could elevate my swollen ankles.

"You need anything else baby?" Chase asked while resting his hand on my bare stomach, "no but thank you." I said and gave him a kiss. "Anytime." He said. We sat there and I ended up falling asleep, I felt Chase get up but I was too tired to open my eyes, so I stayed put.

Chase's pov:
I carefully got up while Lia was sleeping next to me on the couch, I only had a few minutes until I needed to go into the stadium for the races. I went over to Husqvarna really quick to make sure Paige and Gabriella could keep an eye on Lia, "yeah no problem." They responded and I smiled while running back to Honda to wake up Lia.

"Cmon prettygirl, it's race time." I slightly shook her, she didn't move at all.
"Lia?" I asked and there was no response. I huffed and kissed her forehead, "wake up." No response.

I decided the only way to wake her up was to actually pick her up. I used all my strength to hold Lia and she finally woke up, very confused. "What the hell, Chase I can walk." Lia snapped and I nodded and obeyed her. "Sorry." She said and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Do you have to race?" She whined and I nodded. "Uh yeah, it's my career." I responded and Lia glared at me.

Lia followed me outside and there was a little crowd around Honda watching Jett, Colt, and me, all get ready to ride off. I put my back towards them and gave Lia a goodbye kiss and quickly rubbed her belly, "love you. Be safe!" Lia yelled and I nodded while starting my bike and riding off with my mechanic.

Lia's pov:
Once Chase left, I found Gabriella and walked with her and Ava to go find our seats. We decided to sit down for like the first 20 minutes of the commercials and the announcers until I got a phone call.

"Whatsup?" I answered, "where are you at?" Paige asked. "I'm in the stands, aren't you sitting by us?" I asked and she laughed. "No come down to the track level, we can watch from the side." Paige said and I said goodbye and hung up.

"Cmon Gabi, we're going on the track." I said and Ava begged me to carry her, I picked her up and we walked down to the main level and then we got stopped by security.

"Can we get through please?" I asked and the guy looked at me, "who are you?" "I'm Axell Hodges fiancée and this is Chase Sextons girlfriend." Gabriella explained and the security guard looked at us and then just shrugged and let us past. We quickly found Paige and all her kids while the 250s were lining up for the heat 1. Ava was squirming and so I gave her to her mama, Ava was smiling and was completely still once she was on Gabriella's hip.
"Your kid doesn't like me." I said and Gabriella laughed, "eh. She does that to me too, get used to it." She said and I nodded.

All the dirtbikes started up and all the riders were making sure everything was all right, their gates dropped and fireworks went off. Jett Lawrence shot right out front and got the holeshot, "yeah Jett!" I cheered and Hunter, who was standing next to us, also cheered for his brother.

The heat was kind of boring because Jett never lost a position and nobody crashed. The next race was heat 2 for the 250s and same thing except Hampshire got the holeshot and he never lost a position.

I had to take a pee break and so Hunter walked me over to the bathroom since the girls wouldn't be much help if someone tried to jump me. I came out of the bathroom and Hunter's jaw dropped once he looked at me up and down. "Woahhh. What is that?" He asked and pointed to my stomach, I forgot to untuck my shirt once I pulled my pants up. "Hey stop looking there, it's not yours!" I said and he laughed.

"It's Chase's right?" Hunter asked and I just rolled my eyes, "of course idiot." He laughed and while we walked back to the race, I had to explain how far along I was and other details.

"That's crazy. So that's why you aren't racing!" He yelled and I held a finger up to his mouth.
"Dude shut up." I said and looked around, nobody was near us. "But yes." I said and Hunter nodded.

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