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Lia's pov:
The next week was pretty boring, I had another doctors appointment to make sure the baby was ok and baby Sexton was all healthy. Chase took me and Gabriella out to ice cream to celebrate and I was really thankful for Gabriella since she has been so much help throughout my journey.

We got back home and I was so tired from doing absolutely nothing. I said goodbye to my brother and Gabi and then Chase drove us back home. We had some packages for our nursery that came and so I took a nap while Chase was being an amazing builder. "Did you sleep good?" He gave me a kiss once I walked into the room, "yeah. This little thing won't stop kicking though!" I yelled and lifted my shirt up so Chase could see the baby's foot on the edge of my stomach. "Woah that's weird." He said and I laughed.

"Wanna come to the track with me, I need some practice before tomorrow." Chase asked and I agreed, this time my outfit was much more comfy since I didn't really care if people saw my bump, the word was already announced last weekend thanks to Chase's interview.

I wore a t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts and then I grabbed my phone and got into Chase's truck. We made it to the track and Chase was putting his gear on, "boy or girl?" He asked me. "Huh?" "Is that a boy or girl?" He pointed to my stomach. "I dunno, that's why we're having a reveal on Sunday." I said.

"No I'm not stupid, what do you think it is?" Chase asked and put his jersey on, "oh. A boy?" I asked and he just shook his head. "Nevermind." "What do you want it to be?" I asked Chase.

"A girl, so she can be as pretty as her mama." He responded and I smiled while my eyes watered.
"Damn pregnancy hormones, that's not even sad!" I yelled at myself and wiped away the tears while Chase laughed. "Well you have fun and go find Adam or somebody, don't be alone." He came over and gave me a kiss and then rubbed my belly before putting his helmet on and starting his bike.

"Be safe." I yelled at him and he flipped me off and rode away, I just laughed to myself and then walked over to the Kawasaki trailer and opened the door.

"Hey it's Sexton's baby mama!" Adam said and I just rolled my eyes, "it's just Lia." I said and Adam rolled his eyes and mocked me while Forkner and Cameron were laughing.

"How's the baby?" Rylee Forkner asked me, "all healthy so far." I said and everyone smiled.
"And the gender reveal is on Sunday if y'all wanna come?" I asked and everyone nodded. "Ok great."

The rest of the afternoon was pretty boring and I was hanging out with Rylee and I talked to her for awhile.
Chase came knocking on the Kawasaki door. "Hey look who it is." Adam yelled and Chase laughed. "Lia you ready?" He asked me and I nodded, "wow look at you guys just ditching us." Cameron said and I nodded, "yup see ya guys tomorrow for the last press day!" I waved goodbye and then we walked over to the truck. "Wanna go to dinner with the Craig's?" Chase asked, "Sure cause I'm starving." He laughed.

We met the Craig's for dinner at an Italian food restaurant and Lennon made a mess of her noddles, "welcome to toddler life, you're lucky that ones gonna be small for awhile." Paige said and I nodded and helped clean up Lennon. The boys all talked about dirtbikes and racing while she was telling me about Lennon at dance class today, "and then she decided to leave class early and walk out of the door after yelling 'see ya bitches'." Paige mimicked and Lennon giggled.

"That's really funny." I said and Lennon just smiled, "I hope my baby grows up to be like you, you're pretty entertaining." I said to Lennon and she smiled again. "I hope it's a girl cause then she can be like a little sister to me." She told me and rubbed my stomach and my eyes watered.

"Awww. Well only a few more days then we can figure out what little Sexton is." Paige said and I smiled. "In about 4ish 5 months we can actually meet the baby." I said and Chase squeezed my hand under the table and I flashed him a smile. "That's a little scary to think about." He responded and Christian laughed.

"Trust me it's real scary for the first one but they turn out fine and Lia will be a great mom so you don't need to worry." Christian said and Chase laughed, "yeah I'm not so sure about that part, that's why I'm using these next 5 months to learn about all this stuff." I made everyone laugh.

"Also you could always come down 2 blocks and knock on our door for help." Paige added and I smiled then paused. "Wait. Wait!" I said once I realized, "y'all are moving?" I asked and Christian nodded.

"Yup as of yesterday we bought the house that's in your neighborhood." He explained and I was super happy. "So we will move all our stuff to the new house and hope our old one sells!" Paige said.

"We're moving closer to Lia!" Lennon said very loudly and Jagger just rolled his eyes at his sister.

We thanked the Craig's for dinner and then told them goodbye and Chase drove us back to the house. We got home and I wanted to just go to bed but I couldn't since we had to pack for tomorrow because we had an early flight to Salt Lake City for the last press day this season.

"Go to bed Lia, I'll pack you some clothes." Chase said and I nodded then gave him a kiss goodnight, "love you too." I said and then put the covers right up to my chin and fell right asleep.

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