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Sitting inside the cute café, the two girls sipped their drinks, Caroline warming herself with some coffee while Sol enjoyed a peach tea. There was a silence looming over the two, but Sol didn't push to break it. She didn't find it awkward, although the teen may have.

"So..." Caroline started, unsure what to talk about with the witch. "The Mikaelson's, huh? How is that going?" She reverted to her conversational habit, boy talk. The blond watched with siphon's eyes light up at the mention of her family.

"They certainly came crashing into my life," Sol chuckled. "Not that I'm upset about it. Quite the opposite, actually. They mean everything to me," the woman hummed, smiling into her tea as she took another drink.

"Can I ask what it's like? Being the brothers' soulmate?" Caroline twisted one of the rings on her finger. Admittedly, she'd been curious about the dynamics of their relationship since she discovered it. She'd seen more than one brother be affectionate with her.

"You mean am I dating them all?" Her voice was teasing, even a little suggestive to fluster the younger blond. "Yes, I am. They're all my boyfriends." Her playful tone turned a bit more serious, secretly excited about being able to talk about the men with someone. It never crossed her mind to do so with Rebekah, she'd thought it'd be uncomfortable for her. "They're perfect to me, all of them in their own unique ways. I know they've done a lot of bad, I would never deny that. I suppose, I just know how to look past that more than the average person." Considering I was heavily judged the last few years of my life and labeled a murder. Besides, they were sort of right. I have killed people. Doesn't really leave me with the right to judge others who do the same...

"They seem so... calm with you. How did you manage that?" Caroline's mind wandered back to witnessing Kol turn into putty under Sol's touch during Alaric's turn in the game. "Stefan said he couldn't explain it completely. He hasn't found his soulmate, and he hasn't met anyone who has either."

Sol hummed, piecing together her response for the girl. "Perhaps the best way to think about it is like an anchor. A person to anchor a vampires urges. I have no doubt that Kol, Nik, and probably even Elijah want to go out and just kill a few people. It's what they've always done, for whatever reason they had. However, soulmates become higher up on the priority list than the urge to kill recklessly. As seen by Nik and Kol's restraint. I imagine that blood is still number one, as it's needed for survival, but soulmate is probably up there in the top three."

"And how does it work... for the five of you? Do you have like a schedule or...?"

Sol laughed at the idea of having a schedule. There would be fighting over the schedule if she tried. She's surprised they haven't really fought yet about anything. It may be a good time for the big cleanse before the ball, then.

"No, I just try to spend time with all of them equally. Truthfully, I need to spend more time with Elijah and Niklaus. Kol is just so adorable and loves attention, and Finn is still learning about the world. I worry for him sometimes. I thought I lost him once, when we were out, and my heart just stopped. Thankfully, he'd just stepped away to answer Nik's phone call. Anyways, I do need to spend more time with Nik and 'Lijah." Sol leaned in and whispered conspiratorially, "It's probably why Elijah joined me today. Perhaps he was getting jealous of his brothers." Another chuckle escaped her lips, sitting back in her seat. Caroline quickly realized she'd interrupted the woman's time with Elijah, all because she was curious about Sol's relationship with the men.

When her phone buzzed, she pulled it from her pocket. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear," the witch smirked, showing Caroline her caller ID. "Hello, Nik. Is someone dying?" A playfulness was apparent in her voice.

"I'm not sure, my love. Your friend, Enzo, is here and requests your presence."

"Enzo, why," she cut herself off with a gasp. It totally escaped her when she'd found Enzo, she was so caught up in everything she didn't even think about it. Would he have believed her if she had mentioned it then? "I'm on my way. Just sit him down and give him something to drink." Hanging up the call, she stood from her seat. "I'm so sorry. I have to go. Feel free to get my number from Stefan if you ever want to talk some more," she offered one last smile to the girl before rushing out of the building.

Stepping inside the mansion, she found the men of the house sitting around emptying bottles of bourbon. "I see you've all bonded well," she smiled at them, her eyes turning sad when she say Enzo. "Enzo, it's good to see you." A solemn tone left her lips as she spoke. She knew why he was here, and she felt awful for not mentioning it before.

"Did you know?" His already glassy eyes found hers, which were starting to match his own.

"I'm so sorry, Enzo. I should've told you before." Sol sat down in an empty space on the couch across from the man.

"How? Who did it?" Solène hesitated. If she correctly recalled, last time he found out what happened, he'd turn his emotions of and let himself be killed by Stefan.

"I'll tell you," she spoke quickly, hand gripping one another tightly. "But you cannot turn off your emotion, Enzo, please."

"Tell me," Enzo demanded.

"Promise me, you won't do it." She shook her head.

Seeing he wouldn't win this small argument, he caved, desperate to know what happened. "Fine, I promise." Sol visibly relaxed; her soulmates and Kai still very much confused as to what was happening.

"Maggie, she was killed by Damon after he'd escaped Augustine and turned off his own emotions." Her words came out slowly, not to draw out his pain, but she was worried about his reaction to her admission.

"Damon?!" His voice came out venomous. "He's the one that killed my Maggie! I'm going to kill him." Enzo's hands strained as he imagined killing his old friend.

"Please, I know you're upset, and I would normally have no problem with Damon's death. However, please don't react out of anger. Take a few days. Drink it out, smash somethings if you must, but don't make such a rash decision. I'm begging you Enzo. Be better than Damon." Not that it's particularly hard to do so...

"He may be an ass, but he was once your friend. Just sit on it for a few days before you decide to end his life."

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