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Esther approached the group in a black, fitted dress. Fitting, seeing as today is her last. Admittedly, she was stunning, but Sol wouldn't allow her know she had such thoughts; the woman was a crazy witch who is trying to kill her children, Sol's soulmates. At this point, she considered Rebekah a platonic soulmate and was looking into something she could do for her to repay Rebekah for being such a good friend— putting up with all her crazy antics.

"Mother, how lovely to see you again. You look quite different from the last time I saw you." Kol snarked, her corpse his last sighting of her.

"Yes, I agree, considering it didn't end well the last time we saw one another," Niklaus smiled, imagining him killing his mother in his head. If only she knew he'd be doing so again later, with the aid of his siblings with time.

"My children, you've grown well. So beautiful." Her eyes trailed quickly over the siblings before falling onto Sol and Kai. "Who are your friends?" In truth, she'd heard of them from the teens she found herself greeted by when she rose from the dead. She knew the woman was a witch, but she knew nothing of the man. Esther couldn't feel any magic from him either— just from his necklace. She briefly wondered what it's purpose was, seeing Solène had a similar one.

"This is Solène and Malachai," Elijah gestured to the two as Kai imperceptibly twitched as his given name. One interpretation of his name was 'angel,' and he was anything but. He knew how much it disappointed his parents he didn't turn out 'normal.' "We met them when we arrived home."

"Pleasure," Esther nodded to the two.

"I'm sure," Sol offered a faux smile to the woman. Kai nodded, not bothering to say a word as a moving figure caught his eye. He grabbed Sol's wrist to get her attention. Seeing the man the other siphon was looking at she smiled. Anticipation bubbled in her stomach as she looked back to the siblings. It was best if they kept their targets separate for the evening, so Sol excused themselves.

"Please, catch up with your mother. Kai and I have a special guest to greet." She gave a playful smile to her soulmates, a silent conversation occurring between them. Their eyes followed the two siphons over to Joshua Parker, who look irate to see his son standing before him.

"Josh," she called him casually. "So glad you could make it tonight." To further piss off Kai's father, she linked her arm around her newly acquired brother's arm. "I suppose Jo couldn't make it?" An empty threat, not that Joshua knew it. Sol and Kai very much enjoyed the expressions the coven leader was making at the moment.

"Hey, dad. Nice to see you again; after you locked me up for over three decades." Venom slipped into the siphon's voice.

Not even acknowledging his son's presence, he narrowed his eyes at Solène, who grew angry at him for his actions. "How could you let him out? Don't you know what he is?" Joshua hissed in a whispering tone.

Sol kept her calm exterior, leaning in with a relaxed smile. "I know exactly who he is, Josh, and there is nothing you can do. Well, I suppose you have a few options. Die trying to get rid of your son in whatever manner you decide, or live peacefully and leave Kai alone. I'd say he quite happy now. In fact, he hasn't killed a single person since he was freed." Her gaze moved up to Kai, who was trying to murder his father with a glare. "How do you feel Kai? Are you happy here with us?"

Kai hummed, a hand slipping into his pants pocket. "Certainly much better than my previous dwellings, wouldn't you say? I'm finally surrounded by people whose principles closer match my own." A smirk finally overtook his lips. "So, what'll you do? Lock me up again? Try to kill me?" A chuckle escaped his lips at the thought. "I'm sad to inform you that the last one won't be possible, not matter how hard you try."

At last, Joshua met his son's gaze. "What make an abomination like you so confident?"

Checking behind him quickly, he saw the Mikaelson's greeting more guests, Esther had disappeared. "See the hosts standing behind me?" Kai leaned in and began to whisper, his tone almost playful. "They're actually quite protective of me. Well, most because of my new friend, Sol, but you get the idea. You know who they are right, dad? The Mikaelson's are the oldest and most vicious vampires. The Originals. And Rebekah, the blond one," Kai sucked in a breath through his teeth. "I'm her soulmate." Pride slipped into the man's voice, vaguely aware the woman could hear everything they were saying. "I think it's safe to say we'd kill for each other."

Sol actually paused for a moment. That was probably the nicest thing he's said about anyone since he's gotten here. Of course they all understood he was changing due to his bond with Rebekah, and that it would be slow going. However, they noticed he was still struggling with his words. Only very recently did he start to find other way's to communicate. You could read between the lines of his words, but it often easier to read his actions because those showed his true intentions more clearly. He'd complain about being the one to do most of the work for Light Jewelers, but would still complete his share of the work without delay. He'd roll his eyes when someone nagged him, like Kol when Kai finished off the last muffin; however, he never retaliated. Instead, he began to snark in return. Kai was changing right before their eyes and Sol couldn't be more excited.

Joshua was visibly stunned at the news of his son being Rebekah's soulmate. Sol smirked at his dumbfounded expression. "Have you decided what to do, Kai? Will you let him live?"

"I will." Joshua's eyes widened further. Was this truly the son who murdered half his siblings? "Until he comes for me. Seeing you fail to kill the one thing you hate so much, to die at the hands of the son you loathe so much; I will patiently wait for that day. Send my best to Jo, and the twins, too." Following his cue, the two turned and left.

"You know, that was badass." Sol smile up at him. "I'm glad to have a brother like you."

Kai pulled at his lapels, smirk still on his lips. "You're alright as a little sister."

Giving him a playful pout paired with a glare, she spotted Caroline over his shoulder. "I'm going to go greet Caroline! Stay close to Rebekah in case Joshua tries something underhanded. We can't let our guards down tonight, not even for a second. When we do, family will die."

Squeezing his arm, she set off towards the blond. She looked even more magnificent in her dress for the evening. Sol smiled at the teen, greeting her. "Don't you look lovely."

Her smile fell when she saw the blond's expression. It was less than enthused about her presence. Did something happen? Had Sol done something wrong?

"I'm so sorry, Solène." Caroline grabbed the woman's forearms, pulling her closer. "I wanted to tell you, but Damon said," the girl's words were cut off by the devil himself.

"Witchy, don't you look unusually glamorous this evening," Damon's usual smirk covered his lips. "I was curious, where is that boyfriend of yours? Oh, right, I should clarify since you have multiple. Hm, well, let see. He's yea tall, dark hair, dark eyes, always has a mischievous look in his eyes."

Solène's heart dropped.

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