4| Accident

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4 years later...

"Hello mom, yes we are on the way, is Krishi troubling you?" Rishika asked her mother in law about her naughty 6 months child.

Her and Kusharg were currently returning to their home. They went on a dinner to Rishika's parents' place.

It was almost late at night, rain was pouring down due to which it was kind of difficult to have a clear view of the road though it was not a big deal as the road was empty.

"Don't worry Rishika, my grandchild is a very calm kid, he never causes any trouble to anyone, he is sleeping right now" Her mother in law, Arpita Rajvansh replied making Rishika chuckle.

"Okay mom, then I'll talk to you later- KUSHARG" Rishika saw two headlights coming towards them and she shouted on top of her lungs.

Kusharg was startled, he tried to move the car to the other direction but in haste he lost the balance and the car straight away bumped into a tree.

"Kusharg, Rishika what happened?"

"KUSHARG RISHIKA WHAT WAS THAT SOUND? RISHIKA WHY DID YOU SCREAM SAY SOMETHING" Upon not getting any response Arpita cut the call and dialed Rudra's number, by now she was a crying mess.

"Rudra, come home fast" Arpita's voice was shaking with fear while tears kept flowing from her eyes.

"Mom what happened tell me"

"Come home beta please" Rudra replied with a yes and ran towards his car.

It was already late and all his employees had left the place. He started his car and drove it in a lightening speed.

Here Arpita had called all the family members and told them about what happened.

Arpita's husband Varshit along with her brother in law Harsh and Harsh's son Adhrith decided to go to the route they were returning home from and look for them.

Rudra reached the house and was about to ask them what had happened when Arpita's phone rang.

She looked at the caller id which showed "Rishika" she immediately wiped her tears.

"I-It's Ri-Rishika they-they are safe" She picked up the call.

"Hello" an unfamiliar voice spoke.

"Hello, actually this is my daughter in law's number where is she?" Arpita asked while everyone's attention was solely on Arpita.

"Actually I'm talking from city hospital, your daughter in law and a man were found unconscious on the road, I brought them here, the doctors are treating them, please come quickly" She was numb, her eyes were wide open, tears flowing while she didn't even breath.

"Mom what happened?" Rudra asked but did not get any reply.

He frowned and took the phone from her.

Here Arpita was a crying mess. She was scared to death for both her children.

"We need to go to the city hospital" Rudra said, his tone devoid of any emotion. He, without waiting for anyone, headed outside.

Everyone followed past Rudra except Adhrith's sister, Mihira as to look after Krish who was sleeping.


They were sitting outside the OT, Rishika and Kusharg were being operated.

Arpita and Sanskriti was crying non stop, Varshit and Harsh were consoling their respective wives attempting to look tough outside but were shaking with fear internally.

Rudra absent-mindedly stared at his family and then at the door of the OT. He was not crying, he was not blinking, he was not saying anything. He was just standing there staring at the door blankly.

He could feel his heart beating in a lightening pace, he could feel his legs almost giving up but he didn't budge.

How could he? If he becomes weak then who will look after his family? And it's not like his bhai is going somewhere leaving him, it's just a matter of few moments and then his bhai and bhabhi will be back.

He won't wail and cry because he knows his brother is safe and will wake up any moment.

"Bhai?" He felt a hand on his shoulder and he hummed as a response.

"Why are standing here like a devdas? Kush bhai and Rishi bhabhi will be here with us laughing and joking in a few minutes" Rudra glanced at his brother who was smiling through tears.

Yes their Bhai and Bhabhi will be back, nothing will happen to them.


"Mom? What is the situation now? Did buaji update yoh about di and jiju?" Amaya asked, panick was clear on her tone.

Amaya and her family are going to Airport. As soon as Sheetal told them about Rishika and Kusharg's accident they decided to go to Mumbai.

The way Sheetal was crying, she needed support and being her family it is their duty to be with her.

"Nahi bacche, they are in the hospital and Kusharg and Rishika are being treated" Pranita replied to her daughter all the while trying to call Sheetal, to get any update about the children.

Amaya on the other hand closed her eyes to pray to the almighty to keep her sister and brother in law safe.

"Amu, mom, please don't panick, di and jiju will be fine please be positive" Shivaansh, Amaya's brother, who was driving the car reassured them though he himself needed an assurance.

'Di you're a fighter, you will have to be safe' Amaya prayed, now all she wanted was her sister and brother in law to be safe.

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