37| Why did you eat my baby shishter?

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As the sun's rays hit the ground, bringing the surroundings to life, the morning was accompanied by the sound of birds chirping and a gentle gust of wind blowing through the open window into the room. Amaya awoke to find herself resting on Rudra's chest, his hands enveloping her in a protective embrace.

As she gazed upon his peaceful slumber, she tenderly caressed his features, her heart fluttering with affection. Suddenly, a realization washed over her, painting her cheeks a rosy shade of red.

"Good morning, secret admirer" He wished her in a husky morning voice catching her by surprise, her movement came to a halt as she began withdrawing her hands.

He held her wrist placing it on his cheek while slowly opening his eyes, "Do not hamper yourself because of me, go on" She laid there motionless for a few seconds then continued caressing his cheek softly.



"Do you think we are ready for welcoming a child?" She questioned, her voice sounded unsure as she stared at nothing particular.

"What happened? Why are you asking this?" He cross questioned with both worry and confusion, she just shook her head lightly before replying, "nothing, I was just wondering"

"Amaya, I would love to welcome a child, who would call us mom and dad and Krishi bhai, as long as you are ready, as at the end of the day you are the one carrying the child and go through pregnancy" He held her hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back of her palm.

"I- I just feel scared"


"One day Krishi is going to learn the truth what if he feels insecure of the baby, what if I fail to provide them with equal love and care" She whispered out her insecurity holding his palm tightly, he let out a sigh before he started talking.

"I have faith in us Amaya, that we will never fail to provide them with equal love and care and moreover I trust our upbringing enough that I know our son will be anything but insecure of his own sibling"



"Pakka!" He smiled with assurance while she hugged him tightly, muttering a small thankyou while closing her eyes, this moment was her peace, he was her peace.


× × ×

As Rudra wearily made his way up the stairs after a long tiring day at work, it was nearly midnight.

The house was shrouded with darkness and filled with silence. He opened the door and was confused to find his room cloaked in darkness.

Amaya had this habit of keeping the dim light on while sleeping, she did not like to sleep in a room filled with darkness.

He flicked on the lights, only to be greeted by an empty room.

He saw a small amount of light coming out of the balcony compelling him to follow the path only to witness a mesmerizing sight. The balcony was adorned with the warm glow of candles, casting a soft light over the elegant dinner set up, and there stood Amaya, radiant in a stunning red saree.

Amaya was looking stunning in her red saree, which was beautifully complementing her petite figure. The saree was draping elegantly around her, accentuating her graceful posture and delicate features. The rich, vibrant red hue of the saree was enhancing her natural beauty.

"Amaya" He gasped not able to form a coherent sentence, he felt like he was being betrayed by his own voice and mind.

"what is-"

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