27| Krish spoke his first word

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Krish was crawling on the floor simultaneously collecting his toys and playing.

He noticed Amaya who was standing near him, watching him from afar, even though all of the sharp objects had been removed and kept somewhere out of reach yet leaving Krish alone was not a choice.

Considering the fact that, the little guy had developed a tendency to try to stand whenever he got a chance and fall on his butt after standing for a few seconds, she, as a mother, did not want her son hurt.

Krish crawled like flash, he had mastered the act of crawling, in a blink of an eye he could vanish from one's sight. He had the whole house running behind him.

He was just a few centimeters away from his mother, he tucked on her sweatpants lightly, gesturing her to sit down on the floor.

Amaya smiled at the cutie pie, she slowly sat beside him, sitting crisscrossed. He crawled back to the place he was sitting initially and picked up a ball, slowly giving the ball a push, the air filled ball did not move more than a few inches making Amaya chuckle.

She picked the ball up and rolled that towards Krish, who, with a little bit of struggle grabbed the ball in his chubby hands.

He rolled the ball back and crawl towards a couch, holding an end of the couch, he began his struggle of standing up.

"Yes yes, baby, you are going to do this" Amaya cheered clapping her hands together. Krish muttered out something gibberish filled with excitement. He was finally standing on his limbs, he left the support, opening his arms sideways, trying to balance.

"1..2...3...4...........10 oh my god! My Krishi balanced on his feet for 10 seconds straight" Amaya clapped happily hugging her son and caressing his cheek with affection.

Both the grandfathers and grandmothers of Krish had come to watch what was going on and what had gotten their daughter in law so energetic.

Krish again grabbed the sofa for support and stood up, balancing for a while and then falling on his butt. He smiled at his grandparents, showing the only front four teeth he had.

The sunday morning was filled with chuckles of the adults, gibberish coming out of Krish's mouth and everyone praising him.

The kid had some kind of charm, the charm had forced every single member of the family to just leave their work and watch this bundle of mischief and happiness pull stunts.

"Umbpp Vuuuddd" He tried to say something, struggling to form words, Amaya frowned looking at him.

"What happened baby? Mom what is happening, is he choking onto something?" Arpita noticed his struggle, the way he struggled to form a coherent word was quite familiar, her lips were morphed into a smile as her experienced brain did not take any longer to guess what was happening.

"I feel like he is trying to say his first word" Sanskriti and Arpita along with their husbands smiled, both Rudra and Amaya looked at eachother with excitement filled eyes and then gazed at their son.

"VuuuuVuuu Vudddd" He was struggling to make out a coherent word, before anyone could say anything, Amaya shouted.

"Yes mera baccha, say mumma, look at me, here and say mummm maaa" She excitedly pointed at herself saying the word "mumma" multiple times, Rudra stared at her as if she had grown five horns, he was kinda offended.

"No Krishi, say paaa paaa, this one is easier say it" Rudra pointed a finger at himself, receiving a glare from his dearest wife.

"Krishi, leave both of them and say Maasi, Maaa siiii, this one is the easiest, say maasi baby" Netra pointed at herself and became the prey to both the husband and wife who were earlier killing eachother with glares.

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