30| Amaya wants to make love

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His widened eyes, with hints of panic, were observing his wife. She lifted her gaze as both of their gazes connected with eachother.

A sultriness filled smile was prominent on her face as she tried walking nearer to where her mother in law was standing.

Rudra advanced towards her, interlocking her left hand into his he dragged her to a corner.

"Where were you going?" The words that left his mouth sounded unfamiliar and utterly gibberish to her ears. The only thing she could concentrate on were his suckable lips, trying to identify which one of the three Rudra's in front of her was real.

"Amaya I'm asking something" Her smile widened, eyelids feeling heavy, she slowly moved her face towards his in an attempt of pressing her lips on his. He tilted his head a little backwards, even though the thought of his wife kissing him was tempting but the place was not appropriate.

He sure did not want to give a show to his family and friends.

"Stay still, Do not move, I'll be here in a minute" He warned her sternly with his eyes, after spotting Adhrith he made his way towards his brother leaving his wife pouting.


"Yes, bhai"

"You see me and your bhabhi" He cut himself off, the sentence he formed inside his head was suddenly seeming wrong. He cleared his throat, "Me and your bhabhi have some work in the mean time please take care of Krish, he'll be sleeping with you tonight, yeah"

Unknown to Rudra his brother's lips curved up into a teasing smirk totally reading too much into his words, "Sure! Sure bhai, why not? Do your work efficiently, I'll take care of my nephew, don't worry"

Rudra furrowed his eyebrows totally wondering the reason behind his brother's sudden enthusiasm. Shrugging his thoughts he nodded at his brother before walking towards the place he had left his wife.

On his way he informed his mother about Amaya not feeling well and that they will be in their room.

His mother was concerned for Amaya and suggested she would come along and help her daughter in law but Rudra convinced her saying thr guests might need her and he would be there with Amaya.

He quickly took his wife inside their room and locked the room breathing heavily.

He sat down on the bed, thinking hard as to how he was going to deal with the situation he and his wife were in.

Amaya walked near him and sat on his lap without any warning, startling him.

She removed his blazer and kept both his hands around her waist, smiling with droopy eyes.

She buried her face in the crook of his neck and inhaled his scent, "Am-Amaya what are you d-doing?" He shivered, feeling her so close to himself, he stuttered badly.


"Hmmm" He closed his eyes, drawing circles on her waist with his index finger, "I want to make love" He opened his eyes in a jerk and faced her, startled at her words.


"I want to make love with you" She bit her lips, smiling with sultriness while playing with the button of his shirt.

"No Amaya, you are not in your senses, I think we should sleep" He cupped her face trying to convince her and found her eyes sparkling.

"That's what I said, let's sleep with eachother" She pushed him on the bed and due to the sudden movement he could not maintain his balance.

She swiftly sat on his stomach unbuttoning his shirt, he widened his eyes knowing where was everything going.

He held her hand and pulled her on the bed hovering over her, she bit her lips and lowered her gaze with shyness, "So you want to be in control?"

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