19| Honeymoon

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"Amaya, Rudra, don't you think you guys should plan for a honeymoon" Amaya choked on her food after hearing her mother in law's words.

"Honeymoon? Mom? It's not needed right now" Rudra passed a glass of water to Amaya, patting her back while denying politely.

"You shut up, I think you should go for a honeymoon, no you must go for a honeymoon" Arpita rubbed her chin in a thoughtful manner as she shut her son up whilst her lips widened in a grin gradually.

"But mom, how can we go for a honeymoon, Krish is very young-

Amaya was cut off brutally by her mother in law.

"That's why Amaya, Krish is very young, and this is the time for you to go outside, plan trips, once he grows up it will be difficult for both of you to plan a trip amidst your work schedule and his school" Arpita reasoned out while all the adults along with Adhrith and Mihira agreed.

"Yes badi mom, you are absolutely right, I don't even remember when was the last time bhai went on a vacation" Adhrith supported Arpita receiving a glare from Rudra.

"Adhrith, don't you think, your patients would not appreciate their doctor being admitted in the hospital due to some severe injuries" Rudra smiled saccharinely at him, making him shut his mouth instantly.

"Shut up Rudra, god why is this child so rude!" Rudra looked down, knowing he couldn't talk back to his mother or say anything that would offend her.

"It's final now, the three of you are going for a trip or honeymoon, anyhow you would like to put it, I have booked the tickets" Arpita announced grinning excitedly.

"It was pre-planned, wasn't it? Suggesting us about going somewhere was just a drama" Rudra stared at his mother with a stoic face and then at his father, who could not contain his laughter anymore.

"Yes beta, but you should thank Adhrith, we wouldn't have given it a thought, had he not suggested it" Arpita's words made Adhrith choke on his food where as Rudra just glared at his sneaky brother.

"Help na karo to gusse se ghoorte hai, help karo toh bhi gusse se ghoorte hai, hey bhagwan mai karu toh kya karu?" Adhrith muttered under his breath after the coughs stopped.

(If I do not help him he glares at me, if I help him still he glares at me, oh god what am I supposed to do?)


The care taker opened the door of the villa, which belonged to Rudra. They were currently in Athens, Greece for their family trip as they would like to put it.

They were initially not to fond of the idea suggested by their elders but had to give in none the less, they were going to spend 1 week in Athens. Amaya had never been to Athens, hence was excited to know more about the city.

As for Rudra, he was neutral about the situation, he had been to Athens many a times but this the first time he visited the city with his wife and their son.

He did not know how he was feeling, he was excited yet a thought was swirling around at the of his mind.

'Was she okay with the arrangement or uncomfortable?' He couldn't help but think about her comfort, they barely had an intimate relationship and yet there were here on a honeymoon, as his mother would like to put it.

Would she be fine, staying alone with him, for a week? With only their son, who could barely understand anything, being around them?

'If I was uncomfortable with you I would have confronted you myself, you shouldn't overthink about these things' Her voice rang inside his had, providing a little bit of comfort, she would confront him if she was uncomfortable, if she is not complaining then he shouldn't overthink and mess things up again.

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