5| The sorrow surrounds us

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"Doctor how are they? Are they out of danger? Can we meet them?" Rudra rambled in one breathe, all of his family members had circled the doctor.

The doctor hesitated a bit, A look of penitence was visible on his face before he repled, "We are very sorry Mr. Rajvansh we could not save your brother" The doctor walked away from there leaving the family to console eachother.

Rudra was totally blank 'could not save his brother' a feeling denial consternation surged through him, his brother could not leave him.

He stood there numb, he forgot to breath, to blink, to move he felt his stomach twisting.

His family on the other hand was crying hysterically at the loss, he stared at them, no he couldn't cry, he had to be strong, to be the strength of his family, he couldn't show his weak side, he would cry and asks for a shoulder then who is going to give his family a shoulder.

An image of his nephew flashed in his brain and he felt a lump forming inside his throat.

"Everyone please calm down bhabhi would need our support once she gains consciousnesses" Rudra closed his eyes to pray for his sister in law's well being, now she is the only hope for the family and that little baby.

Sheetal, Rishika's mother, was consoling Arpita whereas the males of the family had gone to the doctor for the after process.

It was almost half an hour when the doctor came out of the OT Rishika was taken to.

Naveen, Rishika's dad stood up and ran to the doctor, "Doctor how is my daughter, is she out of danger?"

The doctor stared at the family then at the man standing in front a him, a look of remorse was evident on his face "She has gained consciousness but due to an internal injury she won't be able to survive, you can meet her and bid your last good bye"

The family broke into cries, it was too much for them to take, loss of two children on the same day.

Arpita had fainted just after receiving the news, everyone in the family were either crying or consoling eachother.

Rudra stood there motionless, without any expression, his eyes looked dead and void of anything.

His feet involuntarily took him inside the OT, he stared at his sister in law who was lying there supported by a medical ventilator.

"Bhabhi" he called and walked to her, he looked devastated, yet he refused to cry.

Soon enough their family members came and cried holding Rishika's hand.

"Rudra" Rishika called out with much difficulty

"Yes bhabhi" She motioned him to come close to her and removed the oxygen mask.

She held his hand and muttered, "take care of Krish, this is your bhabhi's last wish" Rudra nodded his head while asking her to rest.

Rishika laid in the bed and closed her eyes, the ventilator beeped and everyone cried.

Rudra stood up and left to talk to the receptionist for taking his brother and sister in law home.

His eyes were blank, all his memories with his brother from childhood to now was flashing infront of his eyes, the time he has spent with his sister in law was flashing infront of his eyes.

But the most heart wrenching thing for him was Krish, his Krishi. He wanted to yell, he wanted to scream, he wanted to wail and cry but he bottled up his emotions, likd everytime he does.

He never shows his pain, even to his family, he doesn't want anyone's shoulder to cry, anyone's hand to caress his head when he's crying out his heart, anyone assurance that the bad phase will pass away.

He is enough for himself, he will be the support his family needs.

And now he has a responsibility of his nephew, who, from now, is his son.


Amaya and family reached mumbai and straight went to Rishika's maternal home.

There was no one in the house, only the servants, Pranita dialed Sheetal's number.

"Hello hello Di, how are Rishika and Kusharg? Is everything stable? Are they out of danger?" She asked but frown upon not getting answer from the other side, she check if Sheetal has picked the call or not.

"Di please say something" She heard Sheetal crying which worried her more.


"Rishika and Kusharg are no more Pranita, they left us" Listening to the news Pranita stilled for a moment, she went numb, Sheetal kept crying and a lone tear slipped her eyes.


No words formed from her mouth.

"Di where are you?"

"Okay, we are coming" She muttered without any expression and cut the call.

"What happened Pranita? Both the children are alright?" Rajbir asked asked his wife but got no response, Pranita was standing like a statue.

He went near her and shook her, "Pranita? What happened?" Pranita hugged him and cried, she was crying without saying anything.

"Mom, why are you crying? Is everything alright?" Shivaansh asked but in response his mother just cried.

"Rishika- Rishika and Kusharg, they left us"

"Mom- what are you saying? This can not be true, buaji must be joking, they are alright" Amaya held Shivaansh's hand and began shaking her head, "Anshu tell her to stop crying, Dad please don't cry, Di is fine"

Shivaansh pulled Amaya in a embrace, buried her face in his chest and cried holding her like that.

Pranita wiped her tears and in a firm voice spoke, "We shouldn't sit and cry here, Di and jiju needs us, they are in Kusharg's home, doing the last rituals, we need to be there, wipe your tears, we need to be their support not burden" She walked towards the car and everyone followed her.

Rajbir started the car.

Amaya was still crying burying her head in her brother's chest, she was always very close to Rishika, it was hard for her to believe that her sister left her.

"Amaya stop crying, you need to be strong" Pranita voice was stern but had no effect on Amaya, she clutched Shivaansh more and cried.

Shivaansh looked outside the window controlling his tears yet a drop of tear fell out of his eyes.

Rishika was his sister, favourite cousin, guide, bestfriend everything, it hurt him that she is not here, not with them.

Thankyou so much GramySaviour manyasharma437 cookiez_geeky TECHWITHAGENT DarshiM theloner_girl03 Divyanshi142 PenningItDown BlackRoses002 for voting on this story and supporting it ❤️🥺

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Thankyou so much GramySaviour manyasharma437 cookiez_geeky TECHWITHAGENT DarshiM theloner_girl03 Divyanshi142 PenningItDown BlackRoses002 for voting on this story and supporting it ❤️🥺

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