18| Apology accepted?

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His eyes noticed a water droplet sliding down her neck, his sight was fixed on that drop of water.

His gaze dropped as the water slid down her throat, his eyes travelled along with the drop.

The drop, sliding really slowly, disappeared between the valley of her bosoms, which was slightly visible.

His gaze was fixated on the place, the water drop disappeared, suddenly feeling envious of the small drop of water.

A thought of sucking that drop crossed his mind, could he? Just once?

"Ru-Rudra?" Amaya's shivering tone prised him out of the pool of his unholy thoughts.

He fisted his palm and closed his eyes, inhaling a deep breath he lifted his gaze to look at her who was staring at him in horror.

"What are you doing here" She asked him with widened eyes, she, never in her wildest dreams, expected him to witness her in a bathrobe.

Her robe ended till her mid thigh and showed off the amount of cleavage she would never like anyone to see.

"Amaya I-

"Get out"


"Get out Rudra" Rudra ran out of the room, Amaya's face depicted she had an encounter with a ghost.

She closed the door and leaned on it, inhaling deep breaths, her cheeks gained a bright shade of red.

On the other hand, Rudra stood outside her room, frozen at his place, he was numb.

His ears had gained colour as well as his nape, he closed his eyes to calm himself down but the image of her in that bathrobe looking so ravishing flashed infront of him.

So many unholy thoughts invaded his mind, the things he could do to her when she'll be lying under him, vulnerable.

He fisted his palms so tightly that his knuckles turned white in colour. He shook his head to shake away the unholy thoughts.

This was his first time having these type of thoughts for a girl, he did not know how to deal with them.

He breathed in then breathed out, repeated this process for a few times then knocked on her door.

"Amaya, ar-are you decent now? May I come in?" He asked, his voice sounding meek making him clear his throat once.

"Yes, yeah, come in" Her reply came and a few seconds later she opened the door. Now she was wearing a pair of sweat shirt and sweat pants.

"You here?"

"Yeah, actually, I wanted to talk to you about something"

"What is it?"

"I'm really sorry for my behaviour that day-

"Rudra" She sighed and gestured him to sit on the bed and she took her place beside him.

"How many times are you gonna apologize and then repeat the same thing?" Rudra panicked, having the idea if where this conversation was heading to.

Was she going to talk about divorce?

"Amaya, I'm really guilty about my behaviour, I shouldn't have treated you like that, you do not deserve to be treated like that, please let me explain myself just once" His voice was desperate, but he didn't care, he was ready to beg her to earn her forgiveness.

"Rudra, the last time we had this conversation, you gave your word to not repeat that behavior of yours yet you did the exact same thing" Listening to her voice Rudra realised, she was not angry, she was not mad, her voice indicated disappointment, she was disappoint.

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