26| His Confession

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Yesterday I was coming back home from my tuition with a friend of mine. We were talking about something when we noticed a boy may be around 11-12 yrs old he was probably on an evening walk with his father. It was around 6, I noticed '69' printed on the back of the boys t-shirt, me being me I told my friend about it and she was like 'so what? Number hi toh hai' damn then I had to explain what 69 is to my friend, talk about awkwardness 💀 not my fault SHE WAS WAY TOO INNOCENT!

 It was around 6, I noticed '69' printed on the back of the boys t-shirt, me being me I told my friend about it and she was like 'so what? Number hi toh hai' damn then I had to explain what 69 is to my friend, talk about awkwardness 💀 not my faul...

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Rudra entered his room to find his wife struggling with her saree. She was getting ready for the business party Rudra had mentioned two days ago.

Though he was thoroughly against going because of her health but the poor man couldn't say or do anything in front of his wife.

Not like he did not try, from sternly ordering her to stay at home with him to begging her, he tried and tested everything, but how could a man win from a woman, especially when she was a lawyer.

"What happened?"

"These pleats, I'm not able to make pleats nicely" She frustratedly muttered, glaring at the saree she was wearing.

While on the other hand Rudra smiled internally, forming a plan, "I surmise, we must cancel the plan, look you are not able to tuck the saree and-"

"I-I'll help you, or we will get late" He quickly changed his words witnessing the glare she was sending his way, why was his woman so stubborn.

He stood on his one knee grabbing the pleated saree near her feet and slightly pulled the ends downwards "Tuck them in" He instructed, she nodded and tucked the saree. Yet the part near her waist looked messy, she was not satisfied, she was about to pull the tucked portion out but stopped hearing his words.

He stood up adjusted the messy portion tucking them in evenly, every now and then his hand was brushing on her naked waist, sending waves of sensations into her body.

Both of his hands slowly travelled through her naked waist, pulling her closer. His gaze slowly dropped down from her eyes, that were corrupting his senses gradually, filling him with intoxication to her thin lips, coated with lipstick. He observed how her lips parted to suck air due to nervousness.

Then how her lips sticked together as she gulped out of tension, he very slowly moved his face towards hers, she involuntarily closed her eyes, expecting him to mould their lips together into a beautiful kiss.

She felt light breathing near her ear, then his sensual voice, "you look absolutely gorgeous" He slowly planted a sensuous kiss on her earlobe pulling away with a painful slow speed. She opened his eyes in disappointment which did not take long to morph into frustration after his smile filled with mischief came to her vision.

Such a tease!

Such a tease!

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