10| Progress

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Amaya sat on the bed waiting for Rudra, she had enough of his ignorance and absurd behavior.

Whatever the situation was, she was his goddamn wife and he had to understand that.

It had been a month and he would not talk to her or glance at her way. He would come home late at night, after she was asleep and go to the office before she would wake up.

Ane if by chance they both faced eachother, he would behave like strangers, like he did not know her.

The last time they talked was 2 weeks ago when they adopted Krish, she saw a different kind of spark in his eyes when they were announced as Krish's parents but that was it.

She had decided to talk it through with him, that, this behavior of his wouldn't lead them any where.

It was past midnight and he hadn't returned, she felt frustrated, she had to stay up till late because of that Rudy.

She walked to and fro in the balcony, she leaned her back towards the wall and closed her eyes, her eyes were itching to get some sleep.

She opened her eyes with a jerk when she heard the sound of door opening, she bolted inside the room and called him.

"Rudra" He was surprised to hear her voice, what was she doing this late?

He stared at her, his midnight black orbes fixed at her petite form, analysing her, it was his way of indicating her to speak.

"We need to talk" Her voice held firmness and dominance, he felt amused at the small girl trying to order him, no one in his life except his elder ever used this tone on him.

"Yes" His deep voice came out husky , which held the ability to dwindle the limited amount of confidence she had in his presence, but she forced herself to be strong.

"I am your wife" She said firmly and noticed the side of his lips twitching upwards. He was feeling entertained.

He loosened his tie and opened the first 3 buttons of his shirt, she gulped at the sight, when did he start wearing tie? But damn he looked hot.

"Don't you think, Amaya, I would be aware of this fact after 1 month of our marriage?" She saw him smirking, he was making fun of her but what amazed her was him showing emotions.

This is indeed a progress!

"But your actions speaks something different Mr. Rajvansh" She folded her hands around her chest, her face feigned seriousness, which did nothing but amuse him.

His eyes noticed the small movement made by her hands but again he fixed his gaze on her face, "Care to enlighten, Mrs Rajvansh?"

His voice held playfulness, which enraged her, this man would not talk to her at all and when she mustered up the courage to confront him, he was taking her lightly? Is she a joker to entertain him?

"Your behavior from the past 1 month"

"What about that?" He asked casually.

"You have been avoiding me since the day we have married eachother, don't you think as your wife I deserve a little bit of your acknowledgement?" She stared at his eyes which made him look away, he inhaled a sharp breath and stared at the wall.

"But you never wanted this, so why make a fuss about it?" He asked, his voice formal, gone was the earlier playfulness.

"And how would you know what I want and what do I not? You've barely spoken to me" She snapped at him, she was pissed by his behavior and today she wouldn't let him away, they needed to communicate.

"Weren't you the one who asked me to deny for the marriage proposal back then? Isn't it enough to leave an impression that you didn't want to marry me?" His midnight black orbs stared at her intensely, his gaze piercing through her soul, she inhaled a sharp breath and replied.

"It was 4 years ago Rudra" Her voice was almost inaudible with a soft and gentle touch in it.

"Even after 4 years, the reason behind our marriage was Krish, Amaya, I didn't want to bother you in any way" surprisingly, this time, his voice was soft, as if he is explaining something to a child.

"Did I ever tell you that you're bothering me? Or I want you to stay out of my life? Did I Rudra?" She snapped, she was growing angrier with each passing second.

"You did not Amaya but you were already forced into this marriage, I didn't want to cause you any trouble"

"I was not forced into marrying you, I consented for this, but you made it look like you were forced, were you Rudra?"

"No" came his instant reply.

"Then why do I have to bear your ignorance, this moment you make me feel special with your actions the next moment your actions make me feel tolerated" Her voice broke in the end, he clenched his fist, his jaw clenching and unclenching each passing second.


"I asked you to deny for the alliance because I was not ready, my priority at that moment was my carrier, it was not like I didn't like you or anything, I never gave that alliance a thought, Rudra" He nodded at her.

"I'm sorry for my past behavior" He said looking down and then smiled at her.

She smiled back "You go and sleep, I'll come after changing" She nodded and climbed inside the blanket to the right side of Krish.

Rudra came out wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpant, he walked to the couch.

He heard her voice which halted his steps.

"We can sleep together"

"Excuse me?" He asked instantly, how can she be so blunt and ask him to-

"I mean we can sleep next to eachother, besides Krish will be sleeping between us, only if you are comfortable" She cleared, what would he be thinking about her. She must have sounded desperate to him.

"You sure?" He asked, giving her time to change her mind.

"Yes" She replied firmly.

He walked to the bed and lied down on the bed, facing both Krish and her.

She kept her hand on Krish's midriff and closed her eyes. Her eyes jerked open when she felt his hand above hers.

She stared at him, he was already asleep, she smiled and closed her eyes.

Indeed a progress!

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It's freaking 1k+ reads.....Thankyou so much everyone for your constant support, I love you all my readers 🥺❤️

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