29| Special Brownies

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"Have you invited everyone you wanted to?" Amaya gazed at Rudra who was setting his hair looking at the mirror, his blazer was kept on the bed.

Her gaze dropped to his arms, she could easily notice the contracting and relaxing of his muscles. Her gaze was locked to the sight, the question that had slipped out of her lips moments ago was long forgotten.

He kept the comb on the dressing table, turning around to answer the same question for the nth time. His wife was panicking about a small party they were keeping to celebrate Krish's first birthday. The guy was now a year old.

Close friends and family members were the only people invited. They did not want the party to be chaotic or messy.

Her trance filled gaze, checking him out did not go unnoticed by his sight. The left side of his lips curved up knowingly, he felt good to catch his wife eyeing him.

"I look tempting, right?" He gradually moved his steps closer to her, the playful smirk never leaving his lips, she, lost in her own world of thoughts, could not process or comprehend the words that left his mouth, for her the words were a bunch of melodious syllables, she could not but nod.

"Yes" His smirk, grew more, reading into the situation that his wife was lost, lost in him.

"You find me good looking, right" The obsession he had for himself, was drowning out of him, desperate to hear a few words of appreciation from his own wife.

"Yes" She nodded in trance, not blinking her eyes even once. His face was moving closer to her face, near her ear. She could feel his heavy breathing.

"I knew my dignity is not safe around you"

"Yes" As the answer left her lips her brain began processing his words, Her eyes widened in horror, "I mean NO" She pushed him, glaring at him in annoyance, why did he have to play with her all the time?

The room was filled with his laughter as she muttered a few colourful words under her breath but again could not stop herself from admiring her husband who was laughing so heartily. The so overwhelming and soothing. Was it possible to find peace by looking at someone laugh? For her, it was.

Sobering up, he replied, "Don't worry, I have invited everyone I wanted to. Even if that only included my two best friends, close family" Amaya nodded.

"Okay, I have, as well, invited everyone I wanted to, do you really have to go the office today" Her voice dropped at the end, he could feel she was upset, but he could not do anything, his company was his responsibility, he could not act reckless himself when his employees where so dedicated to work, being a boss did not mean he would neglect his work.

Though postponing all his meetings to the next day and attending the office only for two hours to finish the paper work and use one hour to look for a nice gift for his son was another thing.

"I'll be back before you even notice, wifey" Smiling at her he slowly moved to his sleeping son, whose mouth was slightly open. He placed a light kiss on his forehead, "Happy birthday once again son"

× × ×

The hall was shining with decorations, done by the family members, Krish was walking, slowly, stumbling here and there, with only his lower body covered with shorts.

"Krishi, come here, dadi will make you look good, please stop" Arpita followed close behind to catch the mischievous one year old who was giggling.

"Huh, dadu caught you, why are you troubling your dadi huh?" Varshit picked Krish up, throwing him up in the air and then catching him, the unstoppable giggles coming out of Krish's lips were filling the atmosphere with a joyous aroma.

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