23| Deewana Devar

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Amaya's eyes trailed upon her husband who was working on his laptop wearing his reading glasses.

It was nearly mid night, She was sitting on her bed reading a book, well more like taking glimpses of her husband.

Her gaze shifted upon his lips, she noticed him licking his lower lip subconsciously every now and then.

Her gaze stilled on his full, pink lips, it was it appeared strenuous for her to move her gaze from the sight.

His tongue again drifted out and he licked his lower lip, his forehead was marked by frown lines as he scrunched his face, clearly not impressed by whatever he was reading.

While on the other hand Amaya could not help but reminisce the moment they first kissed, it was still fresh on her mind, she still felt the softness of his lips on hers.

"Me? Just fulfilling my wife's wish" As the words sank in she felt her heart pounding at an abnormal speed, her stomach felt jittery, there was a tickling sensation all over her chest.

She felt scared yet excited.

He pulled her closer by her waist and gazed into her eyes with a droopy smile plastered on his lips.

His charcoal black eyes were locked with her brown ones, she for a moment found those eyes so enchanting that she forgot everything around.

The only thing that existed for her were his eyes as dark as midnight, the depth of his eyes resembled the depth of an ocean.

He placed his left hand on her cheek while the right one stayed on her waist, her breathing fastened at the touch and the possibilities of things she could experience.

"May I? Wifey" His was was as slow as a whisper, as soft velvet interlaced with emotions she could've decipher.

The intensity of the situation they were in and the closeness of their bodies prohibited her from uttering a single word, at that point she had forgotten every syllable she had ever known.

As a response she just closed her eyes, leaving everything on the hands of her husband, she trusted him and that was what mattered to her.

He moved forward, taking a deep breath, she could feel his nervousness, may be it was as new for him as it was for her.

His lips met hers, his lips were warm, softer than butter, she felt herself melting.

His lips were still on her for a few seconds then he decided to make a move, taking her lower lip between his lips he sucked them gently, accelerating her heartbeats, both of them had their eyes closed, savouring the beautiful moment.

The delectation was overwhelming for her, turning her knees weak.

She held his nape for support with both her hands and fisted his hair encouraging him earning a carnal groan her husband.

He tilted her face sideways to gain better access and sucked her lower lip with extra intensity, his actions made her aware of his intention of possessing her.

He pushed her a little bit leaning her on the wall, squeezing her waist tightly gaining a sultry gasp.

Unable to take the voluptuous pleasure from her husband, Amaya pressed both her hand light on his chest indicating him to stop.

He left her lips slowly, heavily breathing, he joined both of their forehead as the couple gasped for air.

"Vanshika is my cousin, she did not know anything about us and...well Krish because she is not in good terms with her parents from a few years hence she lives in Greece" Rudra confessed which made her feel embarrassed about the way she behaved. She should have been more mature while dealing with the situation, shouldn't have let jealousy take the best out of her.

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