17| Aadat ban gayi ho tum

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Rudra didn't like the feeling of waking up and not finding his son and wife beside him, he missed them dearly.

Heck he had reached the stage where he would feel blessed if he gets to change Krish's poop filled diaper.

He would be joyous if Amaya spills a glass of water on his face 'accidentally', a smile broke out on his face on the remembrance of the faded memory.

4 years ago-

It was his brother's haldi ceremony, he had just reached Mussoorie when his mother decided to drop a bomb on him.

His mom had selected a girl for him, for marriage and wanted him to meet the girl and get to know her.

No way in hell Rudra wanted to get associated with a girl or anyone for that matter, he wanted to stay single and live his life according to his will.

He wanted to deny outright but his mother was adamant, as stubborn as him, may be more than him. The woman with a moderate height and a slightly stout appearance wouldn't listen to him, resulting him to give in to her terms, heaving a defeated sigh.

"She is your bhabhi's cousin, I have talked to Rishika's mother, if your and her meeting goes well, me and your father will talk to her parents" His mother clapped her hands with happiness, a wide grin spreading on her face simultaneously.

It was the cocktail night, post haldi, Rudra stood at a place, gulping the non alcoholic drink on his hand, finding nothing interesting.

His mom had made it clear to arrange a meet up for him and the gurl, who is his bhabhi's cousin, after the marriage is over. He did not like the idea at all, he wanted to get over it, once and for all, but who had the guts to go against their mother? Not Rudra, for sure.

He thought to have a walk around the venue, just to clear his head, as he was walking he was startled when a liquid came flying by ruining his shirt.

"WHAT THE FUCK" He cursed, who had the guts to soak him with water.

He looked around in search of the culprit, ready to give him or her piece of his mind.

"Ex-Excuse me" A girlish voice called him, here she was, now no could save her from Rudra's wrath.

"I'm really sorry" Sorry? She had the guts to apologize after ruining his shirt, he didn't need her fucking sorry.

He turned around, ready to shout at her "DON'T YOU HA-" His voice died when he faced the girl, he couldn't form a coherent reply, he just stared at her eyes, so beautiful and so captivating.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't intend to throw water on you, it was a mistake, please forgive me" She apologized whilst he stared at her with blank eyes, saying nothing, the girl began feeling awkward at his lack of responsiveness.

"It's fine" He responded, which felt like ages, the girl smiled at him, and man was that smile captivating.

"Amaya, come here quickly" Someone shouted, the girl one last time smiled at Rudra "Gotta go, again, I'm really sorry for that" And she ran to the place from where she had come.

"Amaya" He tested her name, angelic just like her, a small smile broke out on his face.


Rudra left the bed to get freshen up, this was his routine since 2 days, waking up with a sour mood, freshening up and acting like a devdas all day.

The frustration was so evident to everyone, for his office staff, he was a walking volcano.

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