31| Virgin Mary is a Man now

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"Ahh my head it hurts" Amaya held her head with both of her hands and massaged it to minimize the throbbing pain.

She sat on the bed with the support of the head board with her eyes closed and a frown on her face.

She did not like the feeling, she slowly stretched her hand towards the side table to grab her phone but she felt a paper pressed under something.

She grabbed the paper and opened her eyes with difficulty that Rudra had left a note for her.

I know you must be going through a horrible headache, I have kept the lime juice on the table do have it and rest for a while.

With love,
Rudy ❤️

She smiled lightly and decided to brush her teeth before having the juice he had kept for her because she did not like the taste of her mouth and the smell.


"Hey Rudra baby" Rudra scrunched his nose, his facial features morphing into a frown after listening to the annoying voice.

"Fuck off man" He replied not even bothering to move his gaze to the person standing infront of him.

"Woah man, why are you always behind my dignity atleast keep in mind that you have got a wife now, please stop crushing on me" The tall looking mascular man kept his hand on his heart acting as if he was horrified then lazily sat on the chair kept in front of him.

Rudra casted his gaze upwards giving him a bored look that said 'I'm-habitual-of-your-nonsensical-talks', "You know, just for general knowledge, I read some article that said one should leave a place where there are chances of them getting killed"

"Ah, then the safest place for me is in between your arms baby" The man clicked his tongue smirking further making Rudra groan at his words.

"Viraj don't you have any work to look after or are you so unemployed that annoying me seems productive to you?" Rudra gazed at Viraj with frustration but sighed in disappointment when he was met with his smirking.

He just shook his head in disappointment and mumbled under his breath "some fools can never change"

Viraj's eyes dropped on a fading red mark on Rudra's neck which widened his smirk and he teasingly cleared his throat, "So my virgin Mary is finally a man now"

Rudra looked at Viraj with confusion filled eyes, "excuse me?"

Viraj acted like wiping his fake tears and exclaimed dramatically, "What is left to excuse now? You are all grown up I still remember you being a little baby and begging me to befriend you-

"It was you who was running behind me without any purpose just because I told you that you were wearing your pant inside out in the school-

Rudra interjected but was brutally cut off by his dearest best friend.

"Doesn't matter but you are grown up man now, look what our special brownies did! It was bhabhi who ate them but seems like you were the one getting affected"

"I'm not getting anything—

"You got everything you wanted last night Rudra"

"Stop cutting me—

"I feel like a proud parent at your achievement"

"SHUT UP! Now with great respect get out! Now!" Rudra shouted showing him the way out but Viraj like any other shameless human being did not move his butt a centimeter.

"Why so grumpy Rudra?"

"Because of your nonsensical talks"

"But my talks are making full sense"

"You think so?"

"Yeah! The hickey on your neck proves my poin—

"Hickey" Rudra's eyes widened on their own accord, he stood up from his place with a jerk and bolted towards the washroom leaving a confused Viraj behind.

"Why is he still behaving like a sexually frustrated virgin?" He muttered under his breath confused at his dearest friend's antiques.

Rudra on the other hand examined his neck on the mirror and crused under his breath, "Fuck why did not I notice this in the morning itself" He muttered to himself.

Wondering why did not his focus go to that hickey it was not like he was busy admiring someone's sleeping form even while combing his hair.

Not at all.

Those things were not something Rudra Rajvansh would do.


May be.


He touched the hickey and his lips curved into a smile reminiscing the cause behind the mark on his neck.

His ears instantly gained a shade of pink as the visuals of last night were flashing infront of his eyes.

He adjusted his blazer in such a way that the mark was slightly visible, he liked it. Obviously, because it was given by his wife.


Amaya sat by her bed palming her face as one by one all her doings from the previous night flashed infront of her eyes.

"I want to make love with you"

"That's what I said, let's sleep with eachother"

"So you want to be in control?"

"If you don't want to make love with me then I'm going downstairs, I'll find someone else as your substitute"

One by one every word she uttered compelled her to just dig a whole and bury herself. How was she going to face Rudra now?

What must he be thinking about her?

He must be thinking of her as some horny woman who can't keep her hormones in check!

"Ughhh Why me?!" She muttered out of frustration, her gaze travelled to the clock, it was about to strike 8. As the seconds were passing her heart beats were increasing gradually.

Rudra would reach at 8. How was she going to face him?

She heard the noise of car she ran towards the balcony and her heartbeats fastened locating Rudra. She ran towards the bed where Krish was fast asleep, covered herself with a duvet and tightly closed her eyes, holding her breath, hoping he would conclude that she was sleeping and she would save herself from further embarrassment.

She heard the creek of the door and tightly held the sheets, holding her breath simultaneously.

"I know you are awake wifey" She heard him chuckle while her face went pale.

Boy she thought she was good in acting!

Hello guys!

Long time no see?

Finally half yearly is overrrr!

On 9th of Oct I had my last exam and I was so happy with the thought of getting enough sleep but as I reached home I was greeted by a very sweet message "You will be having your chemistry practical examination the day after tomorrow" YEH KYA BAAT HUI!

I updated my practical notebook a night before my exam and after the exam was over I went to my teacher and asked her if she was taking practical notebooks or not and she was like no no you don't have to submit today, submit the notebook on Monday!

I was like *insert toota hua saaz hoon mai* 🙂

Anyways enough of my rants! I gotta go update my practical notebook.

I hope You liked the chapter, I promise the updates will be frequent once these exams are over.

Thankyou for reading this story!

Wish me luck!

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