21| Rudra the masterchef

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"Ji mumma, okay, you too take care of yourself and papa, okay bye" Amaya ended the call smile plastered on her face.

She was delighted by the news she recieved from her mother.

Her parents had selected a girl for her brother, the only thing remaining is a 'yes' from her brother's side.

Her mother had said that she and her father would talk to her brother tonight and once he agrees, they would proceed further.

In her point of view, Ruhanika was the perfect girl for her brother. They both had known her ever since their father and Ruhanika's father became business partners.

It had been a while she last met her brother, the last time she visited her family in Delhi, her brother was out because of business.

That piece of shit was a grade one workaholic.

She kept her phone aside and picked Krish up settling him up on her lap. He was staring at her, after a few minutes he placed his right hand on her cheek then poked her cheek with his index finger, following by a giggle that left his lips.

"Kuch zyada hi hasi nahi aa rahi aapko?" She asked with a fake frown but couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face after witnessing her son's antics.

(Are not you laughing a little too much?)

"You know what Krishi, this Rudy father of yours does weird stuffs sometimes that I fail to understand, who said women are hard to read? Inse mile kabhi" Amaya sighed as she caressed her son's hair in an affectionate manner.

The flashes of his weird actions were coming infront if her eyes every now and then.

(That person should meet him)


"Are these enough or shall I bring you more Amaya?" Rudra's face was showing nervousness and hastiness.

Amaya face scrunched up "Are you kidding me Rudra?" Disbelief was clear on her face which served as fuel to the fire of his worriment.

"I knew it! These are not enough! I should have bought more, I'm really sorry, I'll just arrange a few more packets" He blabbered out in hurry, anxiety was evident on his tone.

At that juncture Amaya wanted to bang her head somewhere, did this man hit his head somewhere? Or was he always this dumb in situations concerning women?

She sighed, post inhaling a deep breath she said "Rudra you don't have to worry these are more than enough, listen, look after Krishi for a while, I'll go cook something for us"

"NO" He shouted startling her and continued "I mean to say, I want to cook today"


"Look after Krishi I'll go ane d quickly make something" Cutting her off he did not wait for her response and walked out of the room.

Flashback ends...

"You know what Krishi let's go through social media" As she started scrolling through her instagram feed with Krish sitting on her lap like an obedient child an idea striked her, why not a post a picture of her cute son?

Krish just stared at her tilting his head rightwards not understanding what his mother was doing.

Amaya quickly opened her gallery and began scrolling in the hunt of a suitable picture, as she,very diligently, was doing her work a bunch of pictures grabbed her attention.

She could not help but stare at those pictures with a small smile on her lips.

She selected two picture among them and without a second thought posted them.

"Ughh Krishi baby, I'm bored" Amaya sighed after keeping her phone aside while Krish again tilted his head rightwards trying to understand what his mother was saying.

"Idea!!! Although I didn't bring my laptop but let's watch Pokemon on my phone, Ash has retired, let's see how Liko and Roy's journey is going to be" Saying so she again grabbed her phone fully ready to binge watch her favourite anime.

On the other hand Rudra was standing by the stove figuring out what to and how to cook.

He did say he would cook something but how was he going to was the real question.

Had he ever entered the kitchen with the intention of cooking something in his thirty-one years of life?


Had he ever tried to learn cooking?

Nahhhhh! He never encountered a situation where he would have to cook for himself.

As for cook, Amaya insisted on cooking herself the other day and after a lot of debate he gave in, was he expecting to win? She was a lawyer after all!

He kept his index finger and thumb finger on his chin while tilting his head rightwards, a habit both him and his brother shared, in the hope that he would become a chef automatically.

Should he order the food online? A big no! What if she fell ill due to that food?

Sighing he pulled out his phone and opened youtube to search for a nice eatable dish that he was capable of cooking.

After a lot of hard work he found a nice 'dish' that's what he would like to call it.

Sandwiches, thankfully, not as complicated as the other ones.

The only two problems were cutting the vegetables finely and adding salt because he did not know what the fuck was "swaad anusaar"

(According to taste)

He promptly pulled out the required vegetables and a chopping board with a knife because, ofcourse, he had no idea about the existence of a thing called 'vegetable chopper'

After a lot of hardwork he did succeed in cutting the veggies in proper shapes and prepared the filling.

"Done" He said staring at the masterpiece he made.

The only thing remaining was her tasting it, he hoped she would like the sandwiches after all it was the first time he cooked.

Only for her!

Heyyaaa everyone!

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Heyyaaa everyone!

Sorry for the delay but I was having fever from the last few days, so it was kinda difficult for me to write.

Anyways as a compensation I'll update the next chapter real soon.

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