25| Future Wife

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My sister was watching Krishna Cottage while I was just scrolling through my phone when I heard this dialogue "dosti se badhke aur pyaar se kam bhi ek rishta hota hai jo tumhara aur mera hai" and the first thing that came to my mind was "Friends with benefits" 💀

My sister was watching Krishna Cottage while I was just scrolling through my phone when I heard this dialogue "dosti se badhke aur pyaar se kam bhi ek rishta hota hai jo tumhara aur mera hai" and the first thing that came to my mind was "Friends w...

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"A hopeless romantic all my life
Surrounded by couples all the time.
I guess I should take it as a sign

I'm feeling hungry
Oh I wish I'd find a lover to cook for me
Now I'm crying for some food
Only had a sandwich
But still I need some more more MORE

I gave a second chance to cupid
But now I'm left here feeling stupid
Oh the way he makes me feel
That love isn't real
Cupid is so dumb" Netra sang on top of her voice, stirring the the boiling vegetables with a spoon.

She was half way making soup for her friend, who was not feeling well. A while ago she was on her way to meet Amaya with Krish in her hold when she spotted Rudra coming out of the room.

He informed her that Amaya was having a headache and was sleeping. Krish being Krish started crying the minute he spotted his father and realized his father was not showering his attention to him.

Netra handed over the grumpy baby to his father and after bidding them bye she ran to the kitchen to make vegetable soup for her bestfriend.

She was pulled out of her world of thoughts when a not so ear friendly voice echoed in the kitchen.

"I'm not at all bony
But my grandma says I need to eat more protein

'Fill your tummy leave no room till your button pops'
'Oye beta take some more more MORE'

She said I look just like a toothpick
'That jawline's ugly can you get thick?'
'I just know that you're not healthy, gain some more weight, my grandson is so weak'"

[ Jason and Primz gave me the best versions I've ever heard 😭🤚🏻 ]

Adhrith slowly walked towards the fridge, he pulled out a bottle and  drank the water slowly expecting her to react on his singing skills or just criticize him, so that he could start a conversation.

But the girl again busied herself in cooking brushing him off like he was no one important.

Sighing in defeat he kept the bottle inside and decided to start a conversation himself. He saw her straining whatever she was making.

He slowly made his way to her and leaned on the kitchen slab beside her, watching her curiously. She had some vegetables chopped, a lot of vegetables but what interested him was her.

"Hello future wife" He called her grinning widely, the thought of riling her up sounded useful as she would surely talk to him even if it was to curse him.

"Don't you think, you sound like a creep there" She slowly gazed at him and then started searching for butter. Once she found she needed, she added that into the pan.

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