20| Healthy bleeding

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Rudra was carrying Krish with one arm while the other was interlocked with Amaya's.

They were walking in the Rizari Park, Athens.

The birds were chirping, people were walking with their dogs, families or friends.

Wind was blowing gently.

Rudra disengaged their hands gaining her attention.

He walked a bit further and threw Krish in the air and caught him again, earning fits of giggles from their son.

He repeated the process making Amaya chuckle at the father son duo.

Weren't they just so adorable?

She pulled out her phone and clicked a picture when Rudra again threw Krish in the air.

A small smile appeared on her face just by looking at the picture.


Amaya's eye opened due to a painful cramp on her lower back, she, with the support of her bedrest, sat up.

She stared at the wall infront of her in a sitting position, leaning on the bedrest, waiting for the pain to subside.

When the pain subsided fully she felt something warm and wet on her south region, her eyes widened.

She quickly threw the blanket and ran inside the washroom.

She was doomed. The only thing happened that she was afraid of.

Her periods.

She needed a pad but it striked her, she forgot to keep pads, on her defense her date was a week away and she did not even get any pre periods cramps that she always gets a week before her periods.

The region from her lower back to thigh would ache painfully in a fluctuated manner.

She did not experience any of these, this time.

But still it was really stupid of her to not pack sanitary pads.

She was about to keep a pack of sanitary pads but it just slipped her mind at the last moment.

'How foolish!' She thought, now what was she going to do?

Should she ask Rudra for help? But what if he got disgusted? He was not some perfect character from a romance fiction movie that he would act all charming and even wash her blood stained clothes, not that she would want him to do anything like that, she would like to keep her belongings to her only.

She stood there for a while working her brain cells to find an alternative but having none, she decided to call her husband dearest.

"Rudra" She called but was greeted with silence, where the hell was he?

"RUDRA" This time she shouted, a few seconds later she was able to hear foot steps.

"Amaya, what happened? Are you fine? Did you slip inside the bathroom? Did you hurt yourself? Why did you shout" Amaya heard her husband's panick stricken voice, she inhaled a deep breath.

"Rudra, I'm fine"

"Then why did you shout?"

"Actually...I...I need a favor from you" She hesitated but nonetheless spoke, Rudra furrowed his brows in confusion, why was his wife stammering?

"Okay, what is it?" He asked but was met with sheer silence, why was she not saying anything?

"Amaya, I don't have the talent of telepathy, you'll have to say something to let me know" Amaya again closed her eyes and inhaled deep breaths, it was not going to be awkward, she hoped.

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