24| Her Adorable Husband

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"What happened Amaya you look tensed?" Rudra asked his wife, sitting beside her on the bed, frown lines appearing on his forehead as he gazed at his wife looking lost and worried.

He felt bad looking at her tensed face.

She exhaled a deep breath, keeping her head on his shoulder, she closed her eyes, seeking for some relaxation.

Rudra sat there patiently, letting his wife find some comfort, he caressed her hair gently hoping it would help her in any way, he brought his face near her head and kissed her hairs.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked as softly as he can, still gentry caressing her hair.

"Can we just stay like this for a while, please?" She asked meekly, inhaling in his scent, he hummed as a response and kept on caressing her hair.

After a while she pulled away from him, staring at her lap, she then averted her gaze to look at her husband whose eyes were already on her.

"My brother" He nodded at her words encouraging her to continue.

"My parents were going to talk to him about an alliance for marriage, you see the girl they were considering was really close as her parents were dad's businesses partners but yesterday my brother showed up unannounced but he was with someone whom he introduced as his wife. Mom and dad are clearly not happy because he did not consider them important enough to let them know before taking such a drastic step" As Amaya finished Rudra could decipher how panicked she was while on the other hand he was left speechless.

He did not know what to say or what not to say, he didn't have the foggiest idea of how should he react.

He sighed exhaling and deep breath and sat infront of his wife, with his knees on the floor.

He cupped her face gently and made her face him, "Amaya, Shivaansh is a grown up man, he knows what he is doing, I know not informing your parents before taking such a big step is wrong on his part but he must have a reason for that, mom and dad are parents, they will understand, I know they must be hurt, hurt more than they are angry but everything will be fine, hmm?" He raised an eyebrow while humming at the end receiving a nod from her side.

"Now, you won't stress yourself over this, okay?" Amaya smiled meekly and nodded.

"Leave it, I'll talk to Anshu about this matter later, tell me why did you come here?" Amaya asked raising her eyebrow. Rudra smiled before replying.

"I could say something like 'do I need a reason to meet my wife' but I just wanted to ask you if you would mind going to this business party two days later as my date?" Rudra asked trying to sound nonchalant. Contrary to his own words he was actually looking for reasons to just be near her or meet her.

But his ego was too big to make himself look like a clingy as hell husband.

"Date? Really Rudra?" She chuckled over his choice of words. "Not my fault, I have zero experience of asking someone to accompany me in such parties or anywhere for that matter"

Rudra replied sulking a little bit surmising her chuckling to be a signal of him becoming a living joke.

"Accha toh phir pehle kiske saath jaate the parties mei?"

(Oh really, then who used to accompany you in such parties)

"My P.A. Niranjan" He replied immediately without even thinking. But frowned as he saw her expression changing into a smirk. Did he say something wrong?

"How did you ask him? 'Would you mind going to this business party with me as my date?' hmm" She completed her sentence with fits of laughter whilst he rolled his eyes at the nuisance his wife uttered.

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