22| Sinful Desires

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A late update I know! And I apologize as well *sowiee*

So my fireflies here's the deal, the next chapter is already drafted and is ready-to-be-published! So if you anyhow shower 80 votes on this chapter I'll update right away!

No pressure though I'll still update after 3 days!

Enjoy the chapter!

His eyes were fixated on the beauty standing infront of him, covered in nothing but a towel, the water droplets slipping through her skin were shining in the dimly lit room

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His eyes were fixated on the beauty standing infront of him, covered in nothing but a towel, the water droplets slipping through her skin were shining in the dimly lit room.

Her wet hair strands were dancing on her face as she made her way towards him, his breathing stopped, he felt like all the air was sucked out of his lungs.

The temperature of the room suddenly increased for him, as if someone had set the whole room on fire, her mere presence ignited a fire inside him, so intense and so sinful.

Yet he felt cold, his whole body yearned for the heat her body emitted, in a swirl of moments she was infront of  him.

He felt immobile, his every muscle was jammed at that point of time, all he could do was drink in the beauty in front of him, who appeared a less than a goddess to his eyes.

She sent a droopy smile his way, which ignited a fire of lust inside him, so intense so strong. The intensity of the lusty fire was strong enough to burn all his senses filling him up with sinful thoughts, the thoughts to run his hands shamelessly all over her soft skin.

She kept her hands on his chest, pushing him lightly, resulting him to land on the couch, her lips widened in a winning smirk which caused something to twitch inside his joggers.

She swiftly sat on his lap, sideways, tangling her hands around his neck whilst he closed his eyes, feeling the moment.

He dipped his face in the crook of her neck, her hair slightly brushing his cheeks. He, very slowly, sniffed her neck and his senses was filled with a floral smell, somewhat like black orchids.

The prominent smell of her body wash was corrupting his senses, he placed a feathery kiss on her neck, eyes closed, causing her to tighten her hold on his hair.

"Amaya" He groaned as he took in the fragrance of her hair, so fresh so heavenly.

His one hand was busy caressing her wet locks while the other was rubbing the naked skin of her thighs.

His lips slipped her neck to her collar bone, sucking the skin underneath earning a soft moan from his wife.

The moan seduced him, filling his veins with nothing but utter lust, all he wanted was to mark her body, turn into a sinner and sin all night, show her his beastly ways.

"Rudra" She moaned which broke the last string of his control, he rubbed his clothed member on her buttocks, the friction filling him with sheer pleasure.

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