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Her words were stuck inside her throat, she was feeling like somehow she had lost the ability to form coherent sentences, heck she couldn't even form a word.

Her cheeks were burning, she could feel it, her stomach was doing summersaults, her heart hammering inside her chest, on the other hand he sat on his chair, calm and relax.

She lifted her gaze and immediately looked down not able to hold his teasing gaze, his smirk widened.

Arpita noticed this exchange of gazes and smiled in astonishment. Did her son—who in his 31 years of being on this planet had done nothing with the opposite sex except being rude—just flirt with her daughter in law?

"Bhai when did you start flirting?" Adhrith asked, his face was showing veracious horror. Rudra flirting with someone or being nice to the opposite sex was an anomaly to the whole Rajvansh family.

"Eat your breakfast Adhrith, are not your patients waiting for you?" Rudra's stern voice forced him to shut up but he didn't stop his mischievous gaze and smile.


"Yes Amaya, what happened?"

"Actually, bua ji and phupha ji wants spend today with Krish, they were saying they will come to pick him up today and drop him in the evening" Arpita smiled at her.

"It's great beta, in this pretext, we will be able to meet one another" She gave a small nod to Arpita and smiled.


Amaya stared around the cabin that belongs to her husband, the walls of the cabin were painted in tortilla brown, a TV fixed at one of the walls.

The wall facing the back of his chair had a book shelf fitted which was so wide that covered half of the wall. The book shelf was umber brown in colour and was filled with various files.

There was a large window on the left side of his chair and visiting chair, anyone could gaze at the whole city from that window.

The floor was covered with tortilla brown marbles. Her husband sure had a liking towards the colour brown

Thinking about how she ended up here, on her husband's cabin where he doesn't let anyone in without any business related reason....

Amaya was arranging the clothes inside the closet, she didn't like helpers or anyone arranging her closet, ever.

Now that she was married, setting her and her husband's clothes inside the closet gave her a homely feel.

Rishika's parents had taken Krish for a day and now she was left with nothing to do.

She had decided to start her work after Krish was a bit older, as he needed all her attention for now.

Post she was done with arranging everything, she spotted a file, particularly a blue coloured file lying on the bed.

'Wow, the file for which Mr. Rajvansh got himself covered in pee, is abandoned here' She thought and chuckled as his pee covered image appeared infront of her eyes.

"Amaya" A knock on the door caught her attention, it was Arpita.

"Yes mom?" She asked, gesturing Arpita to come inside.

"Rudra called a while ago, he has forgotten a file here, he asked me to send it with someone trustworthy, it has some important documents" She paused for a moment "could you please go and hand it over to him? I wouldn't have bothered you Amaya, but Adhrith already left for hospital and Mihira for her office"

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