28| Her Manmohana

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"Bad, bad baby, you are a bad baby Krishi" Amaya scolded Krish, walking around the bed in tension.

Krish was just staring at his mom with a confused face, tilting his face.

"Ughh what if Rudra finds out about me naming him 'Rudy' how bad will he feel, I'm stupid" She sat on the bed near Krish and cupped his face "Beta, now you will not call his Rudy, erase this word from your mind and delete it okay" She smiled at him with hopeful eyes though Krish seemed to hear only one word during the whole conversation.

"Rudy ruuuudddyyy" He kept chanting the name and Amaya palmed her face, he was not making that any easier.

Rudra who had listened to the whole conversation leaning on the door without his wife noticing laughed internally.

Rudy huh? He never knew his wife had invented a nickname for him.

An idea of teasing her appeared tempting.

The left side of his lips curved up in a mischievous smirk as he thought to make his presence known.

"I wonder, why he would call me that" He said entering the room, he did not fail to notice how she was alerted after hearing his voice.

She chuckled nervously looking everywhere but him "Leave that Rudra, he will forget it with tim-"

"Ruuuu ruuuudyy rudd ruuudyyy" She was brutally cut off by her 10 month old son who opened his arm for Rudra to call him up.

She wanted to bang her head somewhere.

What a great timing son! What a great timing.

"But do I look Rude?" He asked with innocence filled face, picking Krish up in his arms, the situation was amusing and he was finding the task of hiding his laughter very difficult given her facial expressions looked very funny.

"No No, you are not at all rude! May be he doesn't mean what he is saying. I mean I mean to say may be he was under some misunderstanding when he named you- what am I saying- I mean-"

The sound of his laughter echoed inside the room cutting her off mid sentence. He could not control any longer, his wife was one of a kind.

"Look at you, I was hahaha just messing around, I hahaha I heard your talk" Amaya's cheeks were coated with a pink hue while she glared at him.

He played her, because of him she made a complete fool out of herself.

"I hate you" She muttered in a slow voice looking at her feet. "Oh we both know you don't" She rolled her eyes, annoyed knowing how right he was.

"Anyway, you do not have to be so scared of me, I'm not going to eat you up" yet. *cough*

"I'm not scared. It's just that Krish should not be calling you with such name Rudra" Amaya muttered in an upset tone. Rudra kept Krish on the bed and walked towards her, holding her shoulder, he said.

"Don't get worried over nothing, he is a kid, he will forget this and will stop addressing me with that name, Amaya" Amaya passed him a small smile. He could be right, may be she was getting worried over nothing.

Their attention was snatched by Krish who was again trying to say something.

"Ummm aa Ammm aa yaaa, Ruuudy, Amaa-maaya"

"Or not" Rudra said causing Amaya to let out a chuckle. Krish kept repeating his parents name making them chuckle.

"On a serious note, we shall start calling eachother mumma and papa infront of him" Rudra nodded with a chuckle. An idea popped inside his brain as he proceeded to ask.

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