14| Taking care of Mr. Rajvansh

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Three months of their marriage.

One word to define the journey "blissful"

Everything was just going perfectly for both of them, few days back Krish started crawling, it was Arpita who first noticed Krish moving his knees forward to crawl.

She literally screamed everyone's name, calling them to witness the sight. Amaya recorded Krish's video and instantly sent it to Rudra.

Now the little monster would not stay still but roam around the house every time.

This is the reason she or any member of the family had to stay around Krish as to make sure he doesn't hurt himself.

The sharp objects were already kept out of his reach, the main door of the house would always be closed.

Amaya was working inside the kitchen with her mother in laws. The three of them were making breakfast for everyone.

"Amaya, go check on Krish, the breakfast is almost done, we will do the rest" Amaya nodded at Sanskriti, walked upstairs, to her room.

After entering, she was surprised to spot Rudra still in a deep slumber, he is an early riser, it's almost 8:30 and he is still sleeping, beside him Krish was awake and was playing with his hair and face.

She opened the curtains of the room "Rudra wake up, you have to get ready for your office"

He didn't reply, she shook her head, may be he wanted to sleep in today, work can be tiresome.

She picked up Krish, did his morning routine and then took him downstairs.


Amaya was done feeding the baby food to Krish, now everyone were assembling for breakfast, she noticed Rudra didn't come for breakfast.

"Mom, could you please look after Krish, I'll go call Rudra for breakfast" Arpita smiled and picked Krish up and sat on the chair with him being on her lap.

Amaya quickly walked upstairs, entering the room she spotted him still sleeping on his stomach.

She furrowed her eyebrows and walked near him "Rudra wake up, it's afternoon already" She shook him and frowned as his body was burning.

She touched his forehead and heck it was on fire, she quickly brought a thermometer "Rudra, please wake up for a minute, let me check your temperature please" She pleaded after a few seconds he opened his eyes, she helped him get up with the help of the headboard.

"Open your mouth" She said.


He was burning with fever, she made him lay on the bed and covered him with the blanket.

She quickly sprinted downstairs to take a bowl with cold water.

"Adhrith" She called Adhrith who was about to leave for his hospital.

"Yes bhabhi"

"Could you please go and bring some medicines for your bhai, he is burning with fever"

"Bhai? Fever? When?" He panicked

"I'll tell you later, just go and bring the medicines" Adhrith nodded and ran outside.

"Mom please keep Krish away from Rudra for a while he might catch the fever from him" Arpita nodded at her.

"Amaya I'll go prepare khichdi for Rudra, bhabhi come" Sanskriti and Arpita walked inside the kitchen whilst Amaya sprinted upstairs.


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