16| Missing Her

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It was afternoon when Rudra reached his home, all he desired right now was to witness his son giggling and.....a certain someone smiling at his son.

He needed this time, he needed some space to clear his mind, that night he almost lost control.

He was going to kiss Amaya, who knows what would have happened had he not gained his senses back.

He was determined to not cross his limits and stay in control when around her, her comfort mattered the most to him.

He sprinted to his room in the hope to have a glimpse of both of them but to his surprise the room was as empty as a womanizer's promises to ladies.....OKAY that was bad!

'may be they have gone outside for a walk' he thought, disappointedly walked inside the bathroom to freshen up.

It was time for lunch when he was done changing into comfortable clothes. 'They must be downstairs having their lunch' He grinned and descended the stairs in the hope to see his wife and son, whom he had been missing since a week.

He sat on his chair, but frowned after realising, his family had started eating but his wife was not present. Where was she? And how could these people eat without her?

"Rudra, son, when did you reach here?" Asked Varshit, eating a bite of his food.

Rudra smiled at his father "It's been half an hour dad"

"Oh, Amaya didn't tell us about you coming today" Upon listening her name from his father's mouth Rudra's eyes twinkled.

'Now that dad has taken her name someone would surely notice her absence and ask about her' The thought only widened his grin.

"She didn't? Oh yeah I wanted to surprise her with my arrival but she herself is not here" He hoped now one of his family members would call her for lunch but all his hope died when everyone continued eating.

The frown lines on his forehead deepened yet he sat there, staring at his plate, waiting for his wife who did not show up at all.

"Rudra what happened? Why are you glaring at your plate like you want to kill it?" Harsh asked, looking at his nephew with concern, why was not he eating?

"No...nothing chachu! What would happen to me? The food is really very delicious, I'm just a little bit tired because of the flight" Rudra chuckled nervously, gazing anywhere but him and almost immediately began eating, half heartedly.

Why is not nobody noticing her absense?

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"Adhrith, WAIT" Rudra shouted, calling his brother, Adhrith was startled that jumped on his place hearing his brother's loud voice.

"Yes bhai?" He gazed at his brother with furrowed brows, he was confused.

"Adhrith actually-" Rudra stopped, finding it difficult to ask about his wife without sounding a clingy 14 year old aashiq. (Lover)

"Yes, bhai, what is it?" Adhrith was now really confused, why was his brother behaving so strange today?

Rudra cleared his throat "Adhrith, I actually want to check on Krish, where is he?" Rudra asked without matching Adhrith's gaze surmising he would get to know his wife's whereabouts if he knows about Krish's.

"Oh, you don't know bhai?" Adhrith asked with questioning tone, his eyebrows furrowed to which Rudra shook his head immediately, dancing with joy internally.

"Krish is with Bhabhi" Adhrith replied with a face that depicted whatever he said was completely obvious where as Rudra's soul who was grinning internally dropped the smile.

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