7| Marriage?

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It had been a week since the accident, Amaya had been staying with Krish and and Rajvansh family.

Krish had become more stubborn, he would not leave Amaya even for a second, if anyone tried separating them he would cry turning the house upside down.

The only time he left her was when Rudra came back from office.

Rudra and Amaya hadn't talk much, only when Krish was concerned. Rudra was reserved, since Kusharg's demise Rudra had become closed.

The only person he smiled with or talked to with all his heart was Krish.

Today Amaya had to go to her buaji's house and after a few days leave to Delhi with her parents.
She was getting ready with all her belongings to leave the house.

As she grabbed her suitcase and climbed down the stairs she noticed Krish crying on his grandfather's lap.

She kept the suitcase aside and moved towards them.

"Krishi, baby don't cry, don't trouble your daadu" She kissed his forehead, Krish stared at her and then started crying holding her hand.

"What happened to him?" Amaya asked Varshit being confused and panick stricken.

"Kids do realise when their loved ones are going away, may be Krishi realised that his Maasi is going back to her home" Varshit chuckled at Krish who was trying to reach Amaya and hug her.

Amaya held Krish's hands and kissed his palms, after kissing on Krish's face several times she bid bye to the whole family and left the house.


Amaya and her family were ready to leave Sheetal's house, they were just bidding byes and assuring the husband wife duo to keep contacting them whenever needed.

Amaya's phone ranged, it was Sanskriti.

"Hello aunty"

"Amaya bacche, I'm so sorry but could you please come here quickly" Sanskrit voice was laced with panick, immediately filling Amaya's senses with worry.

"What happened aunty? Is everything alright?"

"Beta please come here quickly, it's regarding Krish" The worry inside her intensified when she heard Krish's name.

"Don't worry aunty, I'll be there in a few minutes" She replied and cut the call.

She told her parents about Sanskriti and they all agreed to go with her.

They reached Rajvansh mansion and found everyone panicking around the house, they heard faint sobs coming from upstairs.

Amaya spotted Sanskriti, "Aunty, what happened to Krish?" Sanskriti's face depicted relief upon spotting her.

"Beta, thank god you are here, Krish has been crying since you left, it's only around Rudra when he is in control, Rudra had gone to the office early morning and Krish had been crying since he woke up" Sanskriti gestured everyone to walk upstairs where everyone were present with Krish.

Amaya spotted a doctor checking on Krish and writing something on a piece of paper.

Amaya stared at Sanskriti and questioningly gestured towards the doctor.

"Krish has caught fever may be because he has been crying since morning and has not eaten anything yet. We called Rudra but he is stuck in a meeting"

Rudra had ditched office since Amaya left, Krish would not mingle with anyone else then him. He had been putting clients on hold for 3 days and today unwillingly he had to attend the meeting.

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