9| Sweet dish

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"Amaya, we know your and Rudra's marriage did not happen in normal circumstances but now you are the daughter in law of this family so according to the rituals you will have to cook something for your pehli rasoi, are you okay with cooking?" Arpita asked in a soft voice when she noticed Amaya entering the kitchen.

"I don't have any problem, aunty, I used to cook at home" by taking help of youtube, only when I was extremely hungry.

"Aunty nahi mom" She said chuckling.


"I'm your mom from now onwards" Amaya smiled at her, though going from Aunty to Mom is going to be awkward for her. But that's just her thing.

"Ok aun- mom, do I have to cook the breakfast" She asked but was mentally praying that she would deny, it's not like she can't cook, but, she is just.....lazy.

"No beta, I'm not a heartless mother in law, come on, just make a sweet dish, the rest is already done" Amaya squealed in happiness from inside, though from the outside she smiled softly at her.

After instructing everything to her daughter in law, Arpita Rajvansh left the kitchen.

'What should I cook? Kheer? No that is too common, something different, let's google it' She thought and pulled out her phone, anyways she is taking help from youtube so why not make something out of the box.

She found Basundi but skipped it saying 'too much work'.

Then she found Moong daal ka halwa, 'As much as tasty it is, it would require a lot of patience, which I lack in case of food' She thought and skipped it, then an idea popped inside her head.

'Easy and unique Indian sweet dish recipes that gets ready within 10 mins without any hardwork' She typed but the results did not satisfy her.

Then after a lot of hardwork she found a suitable recipe "Suji ka halwa" She sighed, so what it is common? She finds it delicious.

After 10 mins of hardwork, her halwa was ready to be served.

She transferred the halwa in a bowl and kept it on the dining table.
Everyone were seated on the table ready to have their breakfast.

"Amaya, come sit beside Rudra and have your breakfast" Amaya felt her heart throbbing inside her chest, she felt anxious, she didn't want to be anywhere near him.

"Mom, actually Krishi, I have to feed Krishi, so I'll have my breakfast after that" She chuckled nervously and was ready to leave but stopped abruptly after hearing his voice.

"I have already fed Krishi, come and have your breakfast" His focus was solely on the food he never once spared a glance at her.

Even his voice was no where near soft, caring or gentle, it lacked feeling, it was just way too formal.

"Okay" She said in a slow voice and quietly sat beside him.

"Amaya, what have you decided about your work" Varshit asked.

"I have applied for a transfer here unc- I mean dad, I'll be getting an email soon" She smiled at Varshit to which he smiled back.

"Now let's have the halwa prepared by Amaya" Said sanskriti and everyone served themselves, Rudra filled two small bowls, one he passed to Amaya while the other he kept for himself.

Looking at his gesture she smiled at him but he didn't even glanced at her making her sigh.

"Bhabhi this is amazing" complimented Adhrith, devouring the halwa, followed by many compliments, Amaya smiled at them and muttered a small thankyou.

But, she was expecting a certain someone to appreciate her or even look at her with a bit of appreciation but it never came. He didn't say anything, although he finished the halwa.

"It's a miracle" said Mihira after Rudra had left the place for his office.

"What miracle?" Asked Amaya masking the sadness she felt.

"He finished the halwa" Amaya furrowed her brow in confusion.

"I didn't understand Mihira, what are you implying?"

"Bhai doesn't like sweets, he never eats any sweet dish, he even drinks a pure black coffee bhabhi, this is miracle" She completed making Amaya smile, may be it was his way of appreciating her.

"Bhai doesn't like sweets, he never eats any sweet dish, he even drinks a pure black coffee bhabhi, this is miracle" She completed making Amaya smile, may be it was his way of appreciating her

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Hey guys!

I wanted to ask, could you all please tell me at which hour of the day you all will be free so that I could update accordingly.

I know many of you don't comment, you must have your own reason and I respect that, so you can message me personally as well.

Thankyou so much PreetiNiranjan for voting on this story and supporting it 🥺❤️

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