13| Stalker

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"Awle awle Rudra is grumpy?" Amaya teased, her tone was the same she uses for Krish.

Rudra, who was frowning till now looked down and bit his lips to control his smile, which was threatening to come out, she looked cute.

"I'm not" He replied, she was about to say something when their order arrived.

They both had their lunch with a little bit of chit chat here and there, he liked spending time with her, he liked her company, he liked her smile, he liked her eyes, he liked her l— okay now he sounds like a stalker.

She is a nice human being henceforth he likes her company, she is not an annoying creature, like Miss Sharda or whatever her name was.

"Kahan kho gaye?" She asked while waving her hands infront his face.

(Where did you get lost)

"Aap mei" He said, his eyes staring at her face, her eyes widened, she opened her mouth to say something but then closed it.

(In you)

What happened to him suddenly? Is he possessed by some Aashiq's ghost or something?

The guy who did not even talk to her properly had flirted with her 2 times in a row.

"Huh?" She asked not able to say something. He blinked his eyes, realization dawned upon him.

"Hahaha look at your face, did you take it seriously? I was just messing around" He laughed nervously, looking outside of the window, she gave him a suspicious eye but believed him nevertheless.

Should she contact a tantric? He is behaving in an odd way.

"What do you want for dessert?" He asked, swiftly changing the topic. She checked the menu for the dessert and told him her order. He asked the waiter to bring the order.

"Won't you order anything for yourself?" She asked tucking a hair strand behind her ear.

"I don't eat sweets" He paused for a while and stared at her eyes, without blinking, intensely "few of the things are an exception though" His gaze on her was so intense that she couldn't hold it and looked down.

She felt her cheeks turning slightly warm "And you will get to know about all the exceptions in the coming future, I promise" He said and the dessert ordered by her arrived.


"Tera pati toh bada romantic nikla" Amaya chocked on her own saliva after listening to her bestie.

(Your husband came out to be a romantic one)

What was Netra talking about? The guy who ignored her like a plague for 1 month of their marriage is romantic?

It was 10 in the night and Amaya was lying on the bed talking to her best friend over the phone.

Her husband informed her 2 hours ago that he would be late tonight.

Krish was already asleep and she had nothing to do.

"What are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about? Dude didn't you see his instagram account? Your man seems head over heels for you" Amaya was dumbfounded, she hadn't used social media for a while now.

"I haven't used social media since my marriage I guess"

"Oh that is why he is not in your following list but you are in his as well as his family and friends' following list"

"Did you by chance stalk him and the people he follows on instagram?" Amaya's voice held suspicion, she was 99% sure that her bestfriend had stalked each and every person her husband knew, yet she wanted to confirm.

"What else? He is your husband for goodness sake, I need to be assured that he is a nice man and the people he knows are nice" Netra's said in a matter of fact-ly manner earning an eye roll from Amaya.

"Unbelievable" Amaya sighed "Listen, go check the post, come out of the rock you are living under, then call me, I need to tease you" Netra quickly cut the call without even giving a chance to Amaya to speak or say something.

She quickly opened the instagram application and was flooded by notifications. She had gained a large amount of followers, her brother in law and sister in law had mentioned her on a particular post.

The thing which drew her attention was, her husband had followed her and tagged her on a post.

She quickly followed him back and clicked on the post. She blushed immediately after reading the caption.

She read the caption again and again, she could feel the butterflies inside her stomach, she wanted to run around the room, dance on the bed, sing like a maniac and scream like a madwoman, she felt giddy

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She read the caption again and again, she could feel the butterflies inside her stomach, she wanted to run around the room, dance on the bed, sing like a maniac and scream like a madwoman, she felt giddy.

She then shifted her attention to the picture he had posted and gasped, how did he get this picture?

If she was not wrong, this picture was from the pooja organised after the revelation of her sister's pregnancy.

May be he asked someone for this picture.

She clicked on his profile and stared at him followers, shocked, he had followers in millions?

Was this man some celebrity or something?!

He did not follow many people though, he had 3 posts, the first post was with a guy who, dressing wise looked like a politician and a guy in tuxedo. The three of them were holding a wine glass, with a stoic expression plastered on their faces.

The second picture was with Adhrith and Kusharg, it seemed like the three of them were in a business party. And the last one was her picture.

She liked all three pictures, replied to the comments where she was mentioned and at last followed back the mutual accounts.

Everyone who she had followed back were known personalities, giving her a rough idea just how influential her husband was.

She was about to close the application when she saw her notification, rudra had liked her post.

But the post was 3 years older.

Was he stalking her?

Her cheeks gained the colour even with the thought of him stalking her.

Her cheeks gained the colour even with the thought of him stalking her

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