Bonus Chapter 2

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It was a usual morning in Rajvansh mansion with everyone sitting on the dining table having their breakfast peacefully.

"Rudra, why are you sitting in casuals? Are not you going to the office today?" Everyone's ear perked up hearing Amaya's voice questioning Rudra, the fact that he 'HE' was not going to the office seemed to fascinate everybody present, especially the three musketeers, Krish, Amrita and Saksham and our beloved Adhrith.

"Umh yeah- You were on a leave so I thought why not give you some company you know" Rudra nervously laughed looking here and there and began eating again.


Adhrith raised his eyes smirking and glanced at the three musketeers, passing a wink while the other three snickered to themselves.

"Yeh dooriya jeene na de, haal mera tumhe na pata, oh jaane jaaa dono jahan meri baaho mei aa aa bhi jaa" The four of them sang together looking at Rudra who had a blank expression.

The others just laughed at the scene which was way too amusing for them except Amaya.

"Shut up" Rudra snapped at the four singers, who sounded more like 4 dying racoons bidding their last good byes.

Although his words seemed to have no effect on them as they all laughed even more.

Amongst everything Amrita felt a kick on her leg she glanced at her side to find Saksham and raised her eyebrows in confusion.

He actioned her to move a little closer and whispered, "I told bade papa"

"You did?" She giggled lightly remembering the incident that happened not too long ago, "I did" He snickered looking at his poor father who was the prey to his prank.


All the family members were in the living room, spending some quality time after dinner.

Meanwhile, Saksham quickly slipped into his parents, Netra and Adhrith's room and grabbed Adhrith's alarm clock.

Instead of 5am he set his alarm at 2am and chuckled with evilness leaving the room.

Exactly at 2am the alarm rang breaking Adhrith's sleep, "Why does it feel like, it's not a long ago I fell asleep? Leave it I must concentrate on my health" He said walking inside the washroom, to get ready for his jog.

As he reached the main hall, he spotted Amrita sitting on the sofa and reading a book, "Amrita? You are studying so early in the morning? Very good very good, teach your brother something such a lazy boy he is! I'm fed up with him! You continue I'll be back, bye" She stared at her chachu being dumbfounded with her eyebrows creased.

What did he say? Why was he so proud of her for reading a book till so late.

She looked at her wrist watch and it was almost 2:30 am, she was reading the book after dinner and did not realise when the time passed.

She shook her head and resumed reading when she heard someone sitting beside her, startled, she jumped out of the sofa to realise it was none other than Saksham who seemed to be controlling his laughter.

"What?" She said standing up and sitting on the sofa beside him, "Dad- I kind of pranked him"

"You what?" She questioned shock, keeping her book aside, "I changed the time of his alarm from 4:30 to 2am and now he is going for a jog, in the middle of the night, come let's watch if he figured it out or not" He chuckled pulling her up and making his way up the terrace while dragging her behind him.

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