15| Amaya is angry

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His gaze dropped to her lips then he again stared at her eyes, she inhaled a sharp breath and closed her eyes, taking it as his cue he moved his face closer, gradually closing the gap.

A cool gust of wind hit them making Rudra conscious of their state, He pulled back just an inch away from her and curled his fist.

How could he lose control like that? What if she feels uncomfortable now? For god sake he didn't even ask her permission before invading her personal space.

Upon not feeling any movement from his side Amaya opened her eyes and found him gazing outside, his jaw clenching and unclenching while he kept fisting his hand tightly, he looked deep in thoughts.

Did he regret coming close to her?

"Rudra what happened?" She asked keeping her hand on his shoulder, her touch brought him out of his ocean of thoughts and he stood up with a jerk.

"Nothing, it's late you should sleep" He muttered in a blank voice. She felt bad because of the sudden change in his behaviour but decided not to show it.

"Won't you sleep?" She asked in a small voice, a lump was forming inside her throat causing her difficulty while forming coherent sentences.

"I need some fresh air, you sleep" Without waiting for her response he walked out of the room and they were back to square one.

Amaya wiped the tear drop that escaped her left eye, she quickly wiped it and lied on the bed, she felt alone.

She stared at the ceiling then covered herself till her head by a blanket.

Was she so bad that he couldn't even talk to her properly? Was she so not upto his standards that he regretted being close to her?

Unknowingly she started sobbing, his behavior was flashing on her mind, hurting her, she decided to talk to him early in the morning when he would be in a good mood.

Sleep consumed her in the middle of her sobbings.

On the other hand Rudra strolled in the garden, mindlessly, lost in his world of thoughts.

He constantly blamed himself, blamed the heat of the moment that he lost his self control.

How could he just jump to kiss her like a desperate horny teenager? What if that made her uncomfortable? What if she thinks he is lusting on her?

He won't lie, he is attracted towards her but this attraction is not just based on her appearance, but her personality.

Everything she does attracts him, be it childishly talking to Krish, cracking jokes with his parents or ordering him to do something.

He sat on the bench and closed his eyes, hoping she would not start hating him for this act of his.

He always had a good amount of self control, to be honest he never needed to control himself because no one ever caught his attention in that way, but she was not a random someone.

She was his wife and the only girl he ever wanted to get close to, but he ruined everything. Every little progress by acting like a horny 18 year old, couldn't he just focus on the movie?

He pulled his hair in frustration and decided to go back to his room.

× × ×

It was 7 in the morning when Amaya woke up, she glanced at Rudra's side of bed to find it empty.

She frowned, where did he go so early in the morning?

She sighed and went inside the bathroom to do her morning chores.

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