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I fall back on floor where I had been sitting in mine and my mom's house surrounding by bill papers, and applications to jobs that have already declined me because I am not to their expectations. I start crying from the stress and the feeling of utter helplessness I feel at this moment. 

I should introduce myself; I am Brie Evans I am from New York, New York City. A little bit about me is, I am 23 years old, I am 5'6, I am also a plus size or curvy women standing at 375 pounds, I am definitely an introvert. Me and my mom have had a cleaning service started with just me and her starting from when I was 18 and just graduated high school but now, I am 23 years old, and I am sitting in our home while my mom is in the hospital fighting stage four breast cancer. 

My mom went last year after finding a lump in her breast and she finds out that she caught it way to late and now she is sitting in a hospital bed, doing her treatments, always tired, and I am having to sit here looking for a new job and try to make ends meet to pay for all the bills instead of being right beside my mom's bed side.  

I sit up wiping my face of its tears and when I heard a ding on my old beat-up laptop, and I look at it seeing a notification popped up from the job site I use. When I clock on it, I see that it is a Maid job for a Marcello Moretti, I read more about it before quickly putting my information down on the application before sending it in to them then deciding to get up wanting some dinner before it gets too late.

I walk over to the kitchen, and I look in the fridge and I find only a little bit of milk left and a water which I grab both of them sitting them on the counter then walking over to the cabinet and see three boxes of cereal, I am really not a big cereal person my mom is which is why I leave them in there but I am hungry so I pull out some cheerios putting some in a bowl pouring some milk and then I walk over to my couch quickly eating it.

When I was done eating my cereal, I went back into my kitchen washing my dishes before walking into my room and into bathroom. I quickly used it before undressing for a shower. After I took a long hot shower, I got out quickly drying off then walking out to my closet picking up some underwear and my robe placing both on before walking back out to my living room to watch a movie.

As soon as I get settled on my couch and pressed play on the movie, I wanted to watch I heard a ding from my laptop, I looked around for it and I get up to see it still on the floor where I was originally sitting trying to figure out bills and applications.

I quickly get up and go to my laptop first picking up the paper that were scattered from panic earlier, I walked them over to the coffee table placing them quickly sorting each in their own pile when I heard another ding on my laptop and I got up again and grabbed it quickly sitting down on the couch before opening the notifications I see three.

I must have missed one when I was in the shower. I opened the first one and I see that I was declined at one of the celebrity people that lives here in New York turned me down for a maid job saying that I yet again didn't meet her qualifications. I move on to a diner which they also don't know if I was the right fit.... to work at a diner?

I moved on to the third and final one. I stopped and took a breath closing my eyes praying that this was a good before I reopened my eyes and clicked on the notification that opened the email.

I started reading the letter and finally at the end it said that I had an interview for tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning at the hotel that was extremely high class, just down the road about a ten-minute drive. I was so happy even up doing a happy dance when I realized I don't know who it is, so I quickly sit back down and calmed down before looking at who it was and what shocks me to the core is that Marcello Moretti is the one that is allowing me to come to an interview with him.

I sit on My couch extremely scared but also extremely happy that he accepted, and it is for a maid job which is perfect for me since that is what I have been doing since I started working straight out of high school.

I looked down at my laptop and see it is already ten o' clock at night and so I get up after turning my laptop off and I walk back into my room and I go to my closet before choosing two different options to wear for my interview tomorrow after standing there thinking of what I should wear I decided on a black pencil skirt, a maroon top, a black blazer jacket, and some black heels.

I brought out my outfit placing it on my chair that I have in my room. I walked into the bathroom quickly brushing my teeth before going to my bed. When I got to my bed, I quickly picked up my alarm clock setting it for eight o'clock before taking my robe off climbing into my bed, pulling my comforter up to my neck so I could be warm, and I slowly drifted off into a sleep that had many good dreams for once.

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