Doctor's Appointment 18+

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It was a week later when we finally could get an appointment and we are headed there now well after I decide on what to wear, I picked up a pair of leggings and decide to wear a larger shirt than normal, so it isn't tight on me. When I was fully dressed, I walked down the stairs and I walk into the kitchen and saw everyone in there and I walked over to the table and ate quickly then asked Marcello,

B--"Are you ready to go?"

M--"Yes let's go" I heard from the end of the table,

A--"Where are you guys going?"

M--"We are going to do something but will be back shortly but if we don't leave now, we will be late" my dad nodded, the only people that don't know is my dad, my brother, and Lorenzo but we are going to tell them when we get back.

We made it out of the house, and I waited for him to get the car out of the garage and when he pulled up, I entered the car and while I buckled up, he drove off down the alley and onto the road.

On the way to the appointment, it was really quiet, and I couldn't stand it, we haven't really talked other than about the appointment schedule or he would ask me how I am feeling which I would answer with fine but the morning sickness I have is bad right now. We pulled up to the doctor's office and I got out of the car and waited for him.

When he got out of the car, he walked up to me and placed a hand on my lower back. As we walked into the doctor's office it made me have flashbacks of my mom,

M--"Hey are you okay?"

B--"Yeah sorry I just hate hospitals ever since my mom passed away" I gave him a small smile then walked away from him to check in, once I was checked in, I walked back over to him and sat down beside him and we are waiting in silence that was until a lady asked,

Lady--"Hi how along are you?"

B--"Umm I am not for sure; I think close to four weeks."

Lady--"That is great, had you and your husband been trying?" And with good time the doctors called my name and Marcello followed behind me.

Doctor--"Hello to you two"

B--"Hello" Marcello just nodded his head,

Doctor--"Okay I need you to change into this and then we will start the ultrasound, and if you are uncomfortable, you can place this towel on your lap, so I don't see anything you don't want to." I nod and watch him walk out of the door.

When he shut it, I got back off of the table that I had gotten up to sit for the appointment. As I was taking my clothes off until I was left in underwear and panties when I heard Marcello take a deep breath and groan. When I looked over at him, he had his head leaned against the wall and he was rearranging himself,

B--"You act like you haven't seen my body before or like I am the most beautiful women in the world which I am not" with this pregnancy I have been more emotional and I have really tried to keep it away from everyone but it's hard to keep in check like right now for some reason I said that not to be sassy, I did it because I was insecure, anyways I quickly slipped on my gown he gave me and sat on the table and placed the towel on my lap and waited,

M--"I have seen it which I want to again, and again, and again, as for you saying you're not the prettiest girl in the world, well you are, you are the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on." Right as I was about to argue in walked the doctor,

Doctor--"Can I come in?"

B--"Yes you may" when the doctor came in, he quickly got to work, he moved my gown up and I saw movement from my right, he had sat up more when the doctors finger grazed my stomach. The doctor then squirted the cold gel on my belly and took the wand and rubbed it on my belly,

Doctor--"You can't hear the heartbeat right now but I am doing the ultrasound so I can measure to see how far along you are and to see if you have more than one in there" I nod my head and he starts looking around and he pointed out our baby I smiled and teared up a little,

Doctor--"You are going to be four weeks tomorrow, and I only see one in there at the moment."

B--"Thank you doctor."

Doctor--"Your welcome, and do you have another appointment scheduled?"

B--"Yeah she put me out 3 weeks."

Doctor--"Well here is your pictures and my job here is done have a good day you two, and also you can wipe your belly with the towel I gave you, and when you take the gown off you can just leave both of them on the bed and your free to go whenever you want."

B--"Alright see you in a few weeks" he nods then walks out of the room and I wipe my belly, but I couldn't see all of it,

M--"Let me help" I was about to argue but when he gives me that look, I shut up and let him take the towel away from me and wipes all the gel off me then helps me off the table and he handed me my clothes then one they were on we made our way out of the office.

Once out of the whole doctor's office and when he went the wrong direction I was about to ask where we were going but when I see a bathroom and he opened the door I knew exactly what was happening. We walked in and he let go of my hand then went to look at each stall and when it was clear he walked around me looking the door before turning around and picking me up and placing me against the wall and he said in my ear,

M--"I want you so bad."

B--"Then take me, please take me" he looked at me for a second before reaching in between us and unbuckling his pants and pulling my underwear to the side and thrusted in me with no stretching and I moan out,

B--"Daammn we need to stop this w-weeks in between"

M--"Am I hurting you?"

B--"No just haven't had you in a while, almost four weeks ago to be exact" he groaned thinking back on our time together and he started thrusting in and out of me hard and fast and I moan not caring if people heard me or not.

With all the emotions that are coursing through me within the last week I am already close to finishing, and I lean my head on his shoulder listening to his groans close to my ear and when I felt myself about to release, I bit into his shoulder to muffle my sounds which made him groan. When I finished, he thrusted a couple times and released in me and leaned his head on my shoulder as well. When we calmed down a little bit I asked while we quickly cleaned up,

B--"Where did that come from all of the sudden?"

M--"That never just comes randomly Tesoro, that is the only other think about when I am not working" I smiled and we walked back down the hallway and made it to his car, we decided to tell my brother, my dad, and Lorenzo in the morning so they would be back from their work and so they can see the picture of our baby, I wish I could have told everyone with a surprise... well other than Marcello, I couldn't have surprised him I was too much of a mess.

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