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I woke up to a pitch-black room which I was confused for just a split second just then all of it came back to me and I realized that they actually got away with me. I look around and see that there was only one window in here and I see that it had bars on the back of the windows keeping me in.

The door opened and in walked a women that looked at me with a little sadness on her face, she flipped the lights on and wait for me to get adjusted to the lights being on she then sat down a tray in front of me and then handed me a card,

Dear Lovely Brie,

I have finally got you. I promised that I would have you back and not to worry about them people. Also I heard about our babies appointment I hope he or she is fine, I would love a boy actually so he can take over for me so you cab keep the girl to help you around the house again.

Sincerely Daniel

M-"Ma'am he will be down in a little bit so please be ready because as soon as he us in here nobody can help you" I smiled up at her and nodded ny head while saying,

B--"I know Missy, do you no recognize you? I am Brie I used to work her for him"

M--"Oh yes I do remember you, I almost didn't you look so much healthier than you did when you were hear"

B--"Yes I am also pregnant too"

M--"Oh my gosh congratulations but please do not let him hit or kick you in the stomach"

B--"Okay thank you, I am glad you are doing okay"

M--"I just do what he ask perfectly amd he leaves me alone" I nod my head,

B--"I did too, please watch out" she nods her head and then the door opened and he looks at the girl and then at me,

D--"Leave now" Danial looked at me and said,

D--"Welcome home my lovely, now let's give you a good welcome home present" he reached down and grabbed me tryvto get me on my hands and knees,

D--"You either sit in your hands and knees or I kick your stomach and commit murder and really baby I don't want to murder our baby okay" I was shaking and I rubbed my belly before getting on my hands and knees and I didn't realize that there was chains on the floor and he locked my hands up,

D--"You only have to wear these when the punishment starts until it ends" I heard him take his belt off and it scared me I thought he was going to finish what he started before getting dragged off of him by some mysterious man but when he didn't take my pants off and wiped me instead and I knew what he was doing me, he was going spank me for leaving, not coming back when nobody else would hire me, he was mad I didn't let him take me that day.

He smacked me ten times and he made me say  'please more I was a bad girl' or he would add five more which I had already done because he was going to stop at five but I made it worse on myself. He unbuckled me but said right before he left,

D--"I will give you one day to heal then I will be coming back for more, and I am going to do twenty now, that sounds fun doesn't it" he laughed while walking out and I heard the locks clicking on the other side.

One day later:

He came back right after the food was delivered to me which I yet again didn't eat any of it and when he came in I felt weak from not eating or sleeping the past two days.

D--"Rise in shine, get in position lovely" I was shaking scared because I have no strength to fight for myself and I am afraid what he might do to me. I crawled over to the chains and he locks then around my wrist and he takes his belt off one again and this time he rips my pants down where I only have underwear on and he starts smaking me making me count this time and once he got to twenty I was a crying mess and he said while dropping his belt,

D--"I will be right back I need to handle some business I will be back to get ten or maybe even fifteen more I don't know maybe I will be back to take the chains off"

B--"No more please you said it was only twenty today" why did I have to open my dman mouth, his look went to smiling to not real quick, he walks back around me again and pucks up the belt and start doing them fast and on each cheek then a couple hit my lower back and he even did some on the backs of my thighs by now I am screaming from the pain. He just kept going, lower back, butt, then thighs in the same pattern when some guy came in, he looked shocked at what Danial was doing to me, but ge just kept going maybe even harder when the guy came in.

S--"Sir we have the Italian Mafia surrounding us from all sides and Marcello, Slavtor, Antonio, and Lorenzo are all standing outside our main door" he kept going the smacks even harder and he said while he took a break amd I collapsed on my elbows,

D--"Did I say lean on your elbows rise now" he smacks me again and I raise on shaky arms and he says to the boy,

D--"Steve tell them to come to my office I have nothing to hide, I will be there when I am finished" when the boy went away, he gave me a sad look and I just looked down at the floor in defeat thinking I have no clue how I am going to stay strong through this. 

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