Will I ever get out

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Danial should be done soon so he could go talk to my family, but he kept going and going I didn't think he was going to stop until he did. He left saying that he would be back momentarily.

I was about to lean down on the floor when suddenly I heard commotion outside the door and when the door opened again I heard the Steve boy say,

S--"What do I say to all of them?"

D--"Give me a few more minutes I am on a call" then shuts the door and he walks over to me drinking water from a bottle of water like he was teasing me.

He poured water all over my body making the cuts I had from the belt sting I hissed, and tears started rolling out of my eyes, but I try not making a sound because when I do it causes him to go harder.

After he poured the water all over my body, he smacks my but again and it made my body hurt way worse with the water and I couldn't take it thankfully Steve came up to the door and peeked his head in and said,

S--"They are done waiting they are going to start fire" Danial sighed and walked out not taking my chains off and I sit there and cry thinking, will I ever get out? Will they find me down here? Right as I said that the gun shots started to fire, and I flinched at each shot being fired.

As I was listening to all the fighting and guns, I continued asking myself the same questions over, will they fine me? Will they get to me in time? What is Danial gets here first and does something bad to me? That is when the door opened and Danial came back in saying,

D--"If I am going down I am going to go down doing something I love, beating you, it makes me rock hard, and seeing ingredients you like this makes me want to explode my load right on your back" with that I threw up at the image alone, he grabbed his belt and hit me a few more times and I think my but is numb and so are my thighs, he laid off my lower back a while ago.

He kept going and going until suddenly he was tired, and I threw up again thankfully hardly anything is coming out when I actually puke if not, I would have likely had a mess in front of me. He walked over to the bottle of water on my last tray and sat down in front of me I looked up and he smiled at me,

D--"How are you feeling lovely?" I looked at him like he was the dumbest person in the world,

D--"Don't looked at me like that rose I love you and I have to make you know that running away and having to track you all the time is bad."

B--"I think I got the memo."

D--"What was that?"

B--"I think I get the memo" I looked up after saying it louder and he looked mad again, damn it Brie I should have kept my mouth shut, he raised his hand and smacked me against the cheek twice before standing up and gave me five more smack on the butt before I heard him zipper being pulled down and I heard him groan and when I looked back he was jerking himself off and I was about to puke, he suddenly pulled my underwear to the side and was about to take me against my will,

B--"Noo please don't, please don't do this, I will do anything but not this."

D--"I don't think so my lovely rose I was about to before you ran but now I finally can have what I have been waiting for, for so long" right as he was done talking the door opened and I started screaming help when I heard a gun go off and a body fall behind me and when I looked back I see Danial shit right in the forehead and I looked up and I see Steve,

S--"I stopped him last time he was going to and this time Miss. Brie."

B--"Thank you for both times, now can you get the key from his pockets" he nodded rushing in and looking for the key and he dually found in in his picket on his jeans and ran back over to me and started undoing my chains and I didn't even realize that he had me chained on my feet this time too.

Once he had unlocked every chain, he helped me stand up and I reach down no matter how sore I was I pulled my underwear right and tried my jeans, but I was too sore to wear them,

S--"Stand here the laundry room is just right next door I will get you a pair of pants, take this gun and keep it here shoot anybody you don't know or is bad" I nod my head and lean against the wall using it as leverage and I take the pants off and point the gun at the door ready to shoot when somebody walked around I heard Steve yell,

S--"Shoot Brie" I did, and I see Danials right hand man dead on the floor and in walked Steve,

S--"Here you go."

B--"Thank you" my voice is scratchy, and he turned around not looking at me and giving me privacy and when I was done, I said,

B--"Now please get me to my people" he nods, and I lean on him for support, but I tell him to stop, and I put the gun right over Danials dick and shot without thinking and we walked up the dark hallway and out of the door and I hear Marcello yelling,

M--"Where the hell is she" we walked around the corner and I see him he has six men and Missy in front of him,

S--"No, he is going to kill my wife."

B--"Missy is your wife?" He nods his head, and he looks like he is going to cry I say as we got closer,

M--"I can tell you. I can show you I promise just please don't kills me. My husband was going to help her escape and I am pregnant."

B--"Marcello" he looks at me in surprise and runs over to me and hugs me,

B--"I love you so much."

M--"I love you too baby so much, I missed you like crazy are you okay?" I smiled about to collapse, and I said right as I was about to pass out,

B--"Don't kill Steve the boy that helped me out here, and his wife Missy she is the girl in the lineup you were about to kill, ask Steve anymore questions, I-" I didn't get to finished what I was going to say when everything around me went dark.

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