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The necklace I have worn for years and now I finally know who my real dad is. I run down the stairs and walk up to my real dad... Angelo and I hold up the necklace in front of his face and I don't give a shit that everybody is looking at me.

B--"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" 

A--"I was going to, but they interrupted, and I didn't get the chance to tell you."

B--"Your... you're my..." he nodded his head and fall to the ground on my knees looking at the necklace rereading it over and over, It say's "Dear Brie, people have kept us apart, but I love you always, Love, Angelo Romano/Dad."  He gets on his knees too and everybody is quiet, 

B--"Why didn't you come and visit me?" 

A--"It was a difficult situation coniglietto" (Translation: Bunny)

B--"Tell me how is happened."

A--"Come sit down on the couch" we both get up and walk to the couch everyone was also listening even Salvator... Oh my gosh I have a brother, 

A--"Okay back then I had lost my wife a year before your mother came to work for Lorenzo, I think it was about three years into her working there we had already fallen in love and meet any where we could. I knew she was in an arranged marriage to an enemy to Lorenzo, but I didn't care I loved her and would do anything for her. After talking one night in her bedroom, she told me she was to be his wife for twelve years it was in the contract both her parents signed but he didn't take care of her so she had to make her own living, that is how she became a maid, and we knew she was pregnant for 4 weeks already by me since they didn't do anything like that together hell they didn't even live together" he took in a long breath then continued, 

A--"Somehow, he found out when she was about sixteen weeks along and threatened yours and your mom's life so we were not to continue our relationship anymore. When she gave birth he was in there I was not allowed to be in there, but when you started getting bigger and coming to work with your mom, I would be able to see you, I was introduced as your uncle just in case you would say something in front of him and we would all have been dead."

B--"I remember call somebody uncle when I would come over" I said when one lonely tear fell down my cheek while he continued, 

A--"When you got to be around ten years old, the war was getting to close, and they destroyed our base and we were all made to evacuate and move back to Italy permanently and that was two years left on your moms arranged marriage, but we had a plan for you guys to come with me anyways but then somebody ordered a strike against you and your mom almost killing you guys at the airport and I took the bullet to the shoulder so you or Samantha wouldn't get it and so we decided that it was more safe that I stay away from both of you and keep you away from the mafia life, even though she didn't like that plan we came up with another one, a necklace, I have engraved a message and she was to give it to you on your eighteenth birthday and hopefully you would read the back of it" 

B--"I did read the back of it all the time, but I never had the time to look you up and come and meet you, me and mom started a business together which didn't keep me away from mafia families by the way, I wish I had sooner, and maybe you could have seen her too" I looked down at the necklace and it was quiet for a while until we heard Salvator say, 

S--"Holy shit I have a sister" he got up and started pacing, 

S--"You said my best friend moved away and I couldn't see her anymore." he suddenly stopped and walked over to me getting on his knees pulling me into a tight hug and I smile hugging him back, I then felt another person hug me knowing it was Angelo hugging me too. 

M--"That was a lot for one, and two Angelo why didn't you tell anybody this was going on"

A--"Your father knew I loved Samantha, but he didn't know everything, and once your in the mafia it is hard to keep people you love safe from everything so we had to make some hard and painful decisions to get through." I looked at everyone in the room when Salvator finally let me go from the hug and said, 

B--"Thank you for this job, Marcello, you have given me a family once again after losing the only family I thought I had." he nodded his head and gave me a small smile. 

A--"Wait how did you not stay away from the mafia world?"

B--"Well business was going bad and the only place that would hire me and mom was Daniel Jackson the leader of the American Mafia long story short, he is mean to the point of hitting, he tried to do stuff to me that I didn't want to happen but was stopped before it got to far by somebody, I ran out of the house never went back to the house, but ever since then I feel like I have been watched, I feel like I see the same car around me all the time, he has tried to get in my home before, so he is a little bit of a stalker now" 

A--"Damn it, I should have just brought you guys here with me" he starts to pace, and I say, 

B--"We can't change it now so don't get worked up about it okay? I am fine now I am in a place that people like me and even if you guys are in the Mafia you have treated me with kindness and like a part of the family, and look at what has happened I have met my real dad and my brother, I wish my mom was here which I am sad about but I am happy to finally meet you and Salvator because I get to feel the love that I once had back then, okay?" he nods his head and walks to me pulls me into a hug and when he pulls back, I yawn, I am so tired, but I don't want to stop talking to them, 

A--"Go get some sleep we can talk more tomorrow." I think about it for a second then nod my head and gave him a quick hug then turned to Salvator give him a quick hug before making my way back up to my room climbing in bed and instantly falling asleep. 

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