White Roses

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I woke up a couple days later and stretch making my shirt raise up showing my stomach and it started getting cold from the breeze coming from the open doors.

M--"You are beautiful" I look over and I was shocked,

B--"You're in here still?"

M--"Of course" he looked at me confused,

B--"I... I didn't mean how it sounded it's just I am shocked, I know you said we are a couple, and I am really, really glad that we are but you have been working a lot lately" he looks at me and says nothing and I break contact and look up at ceiling until he said,

M--"I am sorry Tesoro I didn't even realize what I was doing at the time I was pissed off that a guy had pictures if you in your towel but by the way I have the pictures."

B--"Yeah we might but I know Danial has them too" I grimace at the thought of that,

M--"Come here" I looked over and I see him laying on his back and I scoot over to him and lay my head on his chest, and I felt him kiss the top of my head and I said,

B--"Can we go get something to eat?"

M--"Yes come on" I get up and start walking to the door when he said,

M--"As much as I would love for you to walk around with no pants on around me but I would hate to kill somebody for looking at my women ass" I looked down and realized that I had fell asleep in just a t-shirt and I blush walking into my closet grabbing a pair of shorts then walking back put into the bedroom and walking over to the door and see him already having it open leaning against the door frame and when I was just close enough he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him and kissed me before we walked down to see everybody in the dining room. Right as I was sitting down, I heard the doorbell ring,

B--"I got it" I walked back out of the dining room and walked to the door and opened it to see a boy with one single rose in his hand and he asked me if my name was Brie and when I nodded my head and he hands me the rose with two things attached to it and I close the door and read the card,

Dear Brie,

It was a shame that the camera guy didn't get any with you a little less covered, but this did the trick, I will have you soon my sweet.

Love Danial.

I looked at the other paper on it and seen that it was the picture of me in my towel sitting on my bed and I felt a tear go down my face and when I turned around Marcello was standing behind me and I wipe the tear go down my face and I smiled at him and bring the rose behind my back,

M--"Just show me the rose Tesoro I already seen it" I handed him the rose and walked around him and back into the dining room and he followed me after reading it he looked beyond pissed off when he came back in and he leans over and whispers,

M--"You will never be his, you are mine" and he finishes off with a tug on my ear. When he pulls back, he says out loud while I blush bright red,

M--"Meeting after breakfast" the guys nodded their heads while me and the girls just start or continued eating our food. After I eat, I held my food down for two hours and then I threw it up and I felt really sick afterwards which I do every time I throw up. I walk to the living room couch and sit down and close my eyes for a second. When somebody sit beside me and I look over and I see Marcello with crackers, sprite, and two pieces of buttered toast I smile at him and take each thing and started eating them and taking sip of my sprite here and there. When I was done, I looked up and I see him just looking at me. 

B--"Thank you my stomach feels a lot better now, how did your meeting go?" I laid my head back against the couch and he reached down and grabbed my legs bringing them on his lap and started rubbing my feet and up my cafe and I close my eyes,

M--"It was as good as it is going to get, we are keeping a close eye and to where Danial is at, at all times, and we sent him a message."

B--"Okay good, but what kind of message"

M--"Tesoro I am not going to make you puke again" 

B--"Okay sounds like a good plan, I don't think I can puke again today" I sigh and was about to fall asleep when the doorbell rings again and I was about get up when my dad said, 

A--"I will get it; you stay sitting and rest I think the whole house heard you puke."

B--"Thanks dad" I close my eyes but open them when he said, 

A--"You have got to be shitting me, he has some serious balls" I sigh and ask while shutting my eyes once more, 

B--"Another one?"

A--"Yep, do you want to see it?"

B--"Yeah" he walks over to me, and I reopen my sleepy eyes and look at the flower in my hands and see yet another note that said he wants me back.

B--"Can you burn it for me?"

A--"Yes gladly" he takes it and throws it in the fire and Marcello said, 

M--"What did that one say?" 

B--"The usual, that he wants me back" he continues rubbing my feet and legs while me and my dad catch up after not seeing each other that much lately then an hour later the doorbell rang yet again and I throw my head back already tried of these freaking things coming to me by messenger and this one I just tell my dad to throw it in the fire and watch the thing burn I am so sick of Danial. 

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