Finding Out

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It has been two weeks since our time in the laundry room and I have tried to keep my distance but I don't think I can keep away from him any longer as I look down at the three pregnancy test on the bathroom sink and all had two pink lines.

I stop my crying and put on some leggings and a sweatshirt not caring it is not my work attire amd I walk down the stairs and saw nobody in there but when I walked into the kitchen I see Fran, Gabriella, and Edna in the kitchen which me and Edna have yet to talk about what she saw that day and I have been avoiding her since then also.

B--"Can I help?"

E--"Of course, can you give the eggs a stir?" I nod and walked over to the stove and as I was cooking the eggs and helped with the bacon and as it was all cooking this morning came back evading my thoughts so much that the bacon started to burn and I quickly turn the stove off and take it off the burner and started crying,

G--"Honey it's just burnt bacon" I shook my head and slid down the wall beside the stove and sat down on the floor and started bawling. All of the girls came rushing to me and hugged me when I finally started to settle down, they asked me,

G--"What is wrong?" I looked at each of them then down at my lap saying,

B--"I am pregnant" I looked up at each of them, Gabriella and Fran's faces show signs of confusion but happiness, and Edna is looking at me with a knowing look, but she looks to be happy for me.

F--"With who's baby and why didn't you tell your best friend?" I looked at Edna and she nodded her head with a smile,


G--"What? When?"

B--"It was two weeks ago maybe almost three I am not sure but that was the second time we had sex but the last time he didn't use protection or didn't pull out, but we did it more than once in the laundry room and when we came out with Marcello holding me Edna saw us."

F--"Holy shit"

G--"Oh my..." then a thought came to me, and I start having a panic attack,

B--"Wait what if it is like my mom and dad's deal, but what if he doesn't want the baby and then we have to move the baby will grow up without a father?" I started rocking back and forth and then I started to see dots in my vision when suddenly I felt cold water being dumped on my head,

M--"Does somebody want to tell me what the fuck is going on in here?" The girls looked at him which he has a cup of water in his hand and then they looked back at me, and I started to go right back into a panic attack when suddenly I was hugged and pulled on a lap, but I calmed down, but I couldn't stop the what if's from crossing my mind.

M--"What is the matter?" I shook my head and tried to get off, but he kept pulling me close to him and I just give up and looked up to see the girls still in the kitchen and I just looked down not want to see the ashamed looks on their faces.

G--"Brie honey maybe we should all go talk in Marcello's office, it's better if you tell now rather than later" I nod my head and he allows me to get up and we all make our way to his office upstairs and I am exhausted already.

When we walked into his office all the girls including myself sat on the big couch in his office while he sits in his comfy chair he has in here and he asked,

M--"What is wrong with all of you?"

B--"I have something to tell you."

M--"Okay go ahead" my eyes started to water and the what ifs started to come back, and I finally said,

B--"I am... I am" for some reason I can't say it to him, and I looked over at Gabriella with a help me look on my face,

G--"Marcello, she is pregnant" he had an emotionless face on and asked,

M--"Everyone out" we all got up from our seats and was about to open the door and leave,

M--"Brie not you" I stopped and wait for the girls to be out and the door to be closed and sighed turning around and keeping my head pointed down at the ground,

M--"Come here" I looked up at him and saw him pat his lap and I walk over to him, and he tugs me to sit down on his lap and I feel his hard member on my thigh,

M--"Why didn't you tell me first when you found out?"

B--"I just found out this morning, I took three test and I kind of broke down and told the three of them." it was quiet for some time, and I started to get worried but some of it erased from my mind when he said, 

M--"I want this baby, okay?"

B--"You do?"

M--"Yes I am not going to let this situation turn out how you mom and dads did" I looked back down at my lap,

B--"Yeah its weird because they loved each other and they couldn't work it out where they could stay together and you don't even love me, that is crazy isn't it?"

M--"Hmm who said I didn't have feelings for you" my head snapped up.


M--"Yes Tesoro you had me wrapped around your finger since we first met hence why I came to your apartment and made deals with you, I never do that to people that turn me down for a job or anything else, they usually make me mad, and I kill them." I cleared my throat and tried to stand up saying,

B--"I have to get some work done I haven't even started" he pulled me back down on his lap and said,

M--"Nope you are no longer a maid at my home."

B--"Then I need to find a house to live in, I have saved the money from selling my mom's house and the moment from each paycheck so I could get my own home."

M--"No you are staying here we are having a baby Tesoro."

B--"I... I um... okay"

M--"Now let's get some food in your belly" I nod my head feeling hungry.

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