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We were unloading from the plane it was just me Marcello and his driver on his own private plane. The only time I talked to him was when I was needed to sign a contract then I went back to my seat and didn't talk to him anymore.

We get into the car that was waiting on us and I sit there in silence while the driver starts to drive the car. About ten minutes into the drive Marcello says,

M--"Are you not going to talk to me at all?"

B--"I am your employee sir."

M--"So we can still talk. I talk to all of my employees."

B--"Yeah I highly doubt that" I look back outside,

M--"Your mom was right, I am nothing like Daniel Jackson Brie, I would never beat my employees like he does to women or to any of my employees" my breathing started getting heavier,

B--"He didn't just beat me, he tried to rape me, but somebody pulled him off of me, and when I ran out, I never looked back, he has been trying to stalk me ever since, and that is why I have a gun beside my nightstand in my bedroom back home" it was deadly quiet when suddenly he punches the back seat,

M--"Pull over Ron"

R--"Yes sir" he gets out of the car and paces outside for a second,

B--"Umm sir is he okay?"

R--"Yes he just doesn't like people that doesn't the stuff Daniel does, and nobody really had proof that he has done more then beat his employees until you said what you just did" Marcello gets back in the car and he tells Ron to hurry so he can go punch something. When we pulled up to the house, I had no time to admire it because Marcello said,

M--"Follow me and Ron please take her stuff up to her room" we did what we were told, and I just follow him around the house when suddenly he opens a door and walks in and shuts the door then shocks me when he pulls his shirt off and hands it to me before pointing to the bench I went and took a seat which was right in front of the punching bag.

He has been going at it for a while now and is really, really sweaty, this is definitely not helping me try to keep my eyes off of him, damn he is the sexiest guy I have ever laid eyes on, but I know I am just his employee, and he is definitely way out of my league, so I quickly get them thoughts of my head.

The longer he went on the more my eyes traveled down his tattooed chest, his tattoo arms, his abs, and I both my lip but quickly look away when I realize that I am gawking at him like he is my prey. Suddenly he sits by me, and I could feel the heat radiating off his skin and I blush looking down at the floor.

M--"I am so sorry you had to go through that Tesoro" I looked at him and smiled, (Translation: Treasure)

B--"I umm still have trouble with it, but I am a lot better than I was a few months ago, I am sorry I made you mad."

M--"It wasn't you that made me mad, it was him, believe it or not my dad and his dad had an alliance but as soon as his dad retired he took over and my dad only had a year left, and he tried to do the same thing that he did to you, to my sister and that immediately dropped our alliance and have been going back and forth ever since" I nod my head and it was quiet for a few more minutes before I handed him his shirt back and said while standing up,

B--"Okay where is my room, I will change into some work attire and then I will get started cleaning.

M--"I will show you your room, but you can start tomorrow, it's been a long day" I nod my head and followed him out of the gym. When we walked out and walked around the corner, we saw a girl walking down the hallway,

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