Can't Think Straight

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I wake up and I was confused but then as I look around the dark room, I see that I am in Marcello's room and that is when I remembered what happened and I blush like crazy.

I look over and I see that Marcello is still sleeping and I slowly uncover myself from the blanket that he must have thrown over me and him when I accidently fell asleep in his bed after I was supposed to leave.

When I went to get up from the bed, I felt something that I hadn't even noticed before now and I looked down and it was his arm. I sigh and slowly pick up his arm and place it on the bed beside me and sit up on the side of the bed to collect my baring's, I am sore from last night and when I did, I stood up and winced,

M--"Where are you going?" My body became stiff, I really didn't want him to see me before I left his room and I started to panic,

B--"I umm, I am leaving right now. I am so sorry for falling asleep in your bed before leaving yesterday." I walked around and picked up my clothes quickly putting them on and was about to walk out of the room when he said stopping me in my tracks,

M--"I didn't say you had to leave."

B--"No but it is implied for me to leave since it was a one-time thing, right?" He didn't say anything, and I took that as my cue to leave. I walked into my room after checking to see if anybody was in the hallway. When I walked into the bathroom, I take my clothes off and I walk into the walk-in shower. 

When I walked into the shower, I turned the water to hot but not hot enough to hurt and I step under it and lean against the shower wall and rest my head back letting the water hit my face. As I was standing there, I kept thinking of each event leading to my night with Marcello and I blush when I see the memories flash through my mind and once again turned on, but I don't dare take care of it right now since I have to work, and the water was turning cold. 

After washing everything extremely fast I quickly got everything in my room done including getting dressed in my cleaning clothes and I walk down the stairs and going to the supplies closet grabbing my cleaning supplies when I heard Fran say behind me just as I turn after closing the door,  

F--"Which slut was it last night brother? You know you need to settle down." I looked up Marcello and I locking eyes and I quickly looked away and grabbed the window cleaner walking over to the window spraying it on the windows when I started to wipe them, I heard him say, 

M--"It wasn't a slut Fran, also me, Salvator, and dad have to leave for three days for work tell everyone we will be back." she nods, and he glances at me one last time and I look away from him looking down and grabbing my earbuds and putting them in playing my favorite, country music. When he had left for some reason, I couldn't get our time out of my head the whole time I was cleaning, and I only have one room left and it was his, but I am afraid to go in there.

F--"Brie are you okay?" I realized that I was leaning against the wall on the wall in front of his door just looking at it when Fran asked me if I was okay.

B--"Yeah sorry I am just tired that is all and was taking a short break before finishing cleaning the last room which happens to be your brother's room" she nods her head and she ask me,

F--"What would you like for dinner tonight, dad, Marcello, and Salvator are gone, your dad has to watch over things at the compound, and mom is hanging out with her friends tonight so it's just us?" I thought about it for a second,

B--"Do you like Chinese?"


B--"Then we can order in and let Edna have the night off."

F--"That sounds good, a girl's night!" She cheered saying while skipping down the hallways,

F--"I will go call and order just send me what you want over text, and I will let Edna know she can go ahead and go home."

B--"Alright I am just going to finish up here" she gave me a thumbs up and I walked into her brother's room and closed the door and when I walked in, I walked over to the bed and saw a blood spot from where he had broken my virginity and I blush then I heard behind me,

M--"It is normal, and don't worry about trying to wash them you can just throw them away if you want."

B--"What are you doing back here?"

M--"We were halfway there when suddenly the guy I was meeting with called and canceled the meeting he had his baby, so we just turned the jet around and came back" I nod my head and said while not looking at him.

B--"Then I will clean later when you are done in here."

M--"Go ahead" I nod my head and continued taking off the sheets and comforter throwing them by the door then walking into his closet grabbing a new set then walking back out and seeing him sitting in his office chair while looking at me while shirtless, I instantly look away when I realize I am staring at him.

I start making his bed when suddenly he was into his closet and back out with a casual t-shirt on with sweatpants which I have never seen him in before. I looked back to the bed and placed his pillows back on the bed where he had them before. 

I hurry up and pick up the clothes that are around his room sitting them in the laundry basket then walking into bathroom picking up the dirty laundry when I picked up the rag out of the sink, I see the slight pink from where he cleaned me up last night. 

M--"I can take care of that if you want?"

B--"No I got it, why don't you head down and eat with your sister" he didn't say anything else he just left while I finished up, went to my room changed into comfy clothes and taking another quick shower before walking down the stair to eat with everybody and from then on, I don't dare look or talk to Marcello anymore because every time I have the last few times since he has been back home tonight I have thought about our night together and it makes me can't think straight. 

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