At The Hospital

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B--"Why are you doing this?" I said to Danial while I was screaming,

D--"Because I love watching you in pain" then he smacks me with wip acrossed my butt I scream,

B--"Stop, stop, please" I say while crying then somebody started to yell my name.

End of nightmare:

I open my eyes and quickly shut them and groaned about to roll on my back, but somebody stopped me from rolling over but what if it was Danial, so I started thrashing but then I hear Marcello,

M--"Baby open your eyes... Brie baby open your eyes for me" I opened my eyes and see Marcello and I immediately pull him to me for a hug,

B--"Thank you for coming for me, wait how is the baby? Was everyone okay? Did you kill Missy and Steve?"

M--"Brie calm down, first of all I would come get you no matter where you were, two the baby is fine the doctor doesn't know how but he called our baby a miracle, and everyone was okay your dad got shot I the arm but he got it taken out and is doing a lot better, and no I didn't kill Missy or Steve, Missy is working maid and helping Edna in the kitchen and Steve is working for our tracking team" I sigh and put my head back on the pillow and close my eyes for a split second then asked,

B--"How long was I out for?"

M--"Two days, the doctor said you weren't in a coma you just needed rest from not eating or drinking, and the baby was still taking whatever it needed from you, so it made your body beyond drained" I nod my head and he continued,

M--"You didn't have anything broken, but you have welts on your lower back, welts covering your butt and thighs which is causing a lot of swelling, you have ten cuts on your butt, two on your right thigh, your knees didn't have any cuts but had swelling in them and your hands had two small cuts one on each" I nod my head and said,

B--"Where is everyone?"

M--"They just went down to get something to eat really quick, we didn't think you would be up right now" I nod and looked at him neither of us said anything, I looked over his tired face, his eyes were dark like he hasn't slept,

B--"When did you last sleep?"

M--"The night before you went missing."

B--"You need to sleep Marcello."

M--"I will as soon as you are out of this place" I sigh and winced when I scooted over but I keep going,

M--"Brie it's medicine time so when you move it will hurt... Brie quit moving please" I continued and when I was on my side I sigh and patted the bed beside me which he shook his head no whole saying,

M--"No I will hurt you."

B--"Marcello get in this bed right now and sleep with me, I really want to sleep but I will not until you get in here with me" he sighs and rubs his face up and down with his hands before getting up and taking off his suit jacket climbing in bed with me and I lay my head on his chest and he wrapped an arm around my upper part of my body away from my hurt parts of my body and I looked up and gave him a kiss then laid my head back down on his chest and fell asleep rather quickly.

I was woken up by talking around me and I slowly opened my eyes and blink a few times and I looked around seeing Lorenzo, Gabriella, Fran, my brother, and my dad all around talking to each other and then Fran started crying to her mother, 

F--"I just wish she would wake up, mom I have never had a friend like her, and our baby will grow up without an aunt" I smiled and felt tears come to my eyes, 

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