First Weekend

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I have finished full three days I have been working here and it is now the weekend, and I am not sure what I am allowed to do here. I am also receiving my first paycheck today so I will pay my bills and then with whatever I have left I will transfer it to my savings for a just in case something goes south here I will have money to get back to the states. 

I have been sitting in my room staring out the window with it cracked open so I could feel the breeze. I guess I was spaced out because I jumped off the seat when I heard Marcello behind me, 


B--"Sorry sir umm did you need something?"

M--"You are off today and tomorrow, Tesoro, and no I just came up to make sure you were fine you didn't come down to eat with us for breakfast or lunch and we were all worried."

B--"Ohh umm... I just didn't know what I was allowed to do on my days off."

M--"Brie you can do whatever you want you are off."

B--"Umm Mr. Jackson didn't like me to leave my room during the weekends, he made us stay at his home even if we owned our own home, so I just figured I would stay up here."

M--"I am not Daniel" he said pissed off and I feel bad, 

B--"I umm, I am sorry I didn't mean to make it out like you are just like him, I am just saying I am used to doing this when I am doing a job."

M--"Francesca said you need clothes come on we are going shopping" I get up grabbing my phone and wallet. I slipped on some shoes and then I followed him down the stairs. 

M--"Francesca, Salvator come on we are going to the mall."

F--"Yay! Here I had made you a plate to bring up to you do you want to eat really quick or on the way?"

M--"She can eat on the way."

F--"Are we all riding in one car?"


F--"Okay let me go get Salvator he is training" Marcello nodded his head while he motioned for me to follow him towards the door, and I followed. We walked to the garage and when he opened the garage, I see three rows of so many cars each of them black with a matte or glossy finish. He walks over to the wall and picks up keys and hits the unlock button and I see the car right in front of me light up and he walks to the passenger side door opening it and motioned me over and I said,

B--"I can ride in the back."

M--"Get in Brie" I sigh knowing not to fight back with my boss and I slip in and started to eat my sandwich and fruit that Fran got for me and he pulled out of the garage and pulled in front of the front door and they were taking so long I was almost done with my meal by the time they came out of the house, Fran was dressed up and Salvator was dressed in a suit just like Marcello was in. When they get Marcello took off.

When we pulled into the mall, I had already paid all my bills online, well all but my house payment which will be coming out of next week's check, so I put twenty dollars into my savings leaving me with only twenty dollars which is fine. Right as I was putting up my phone my door opened, and a hand was out towards me, and I take it getting out of the car seeing it was Marcello and immediately take my hand away from him blushing and when I looked back up he was looking at me with an emotionless face on and then turned around away from me and Fran hooked arms with me after looking over at Salvator weirdly then all of the sudden one of them get a call while we were walking in,

M--"What?.... no... can you handle it?....Okay we will be there soon" we pause and turn to look at him. He takes the phone down away from his ear and puts it back in his front pocket.

M--"Sorry sis but change of plans we have to head back and drop you off, I have to go away on business for a couple of day."

F--"Okay as long as we can go shopping when you get back."

M--"Sounds like a plan" we all get in the car me in the back this time since I didn't want to embarrass myself again, me looked at me every now and then through the mirror and I would just look away from him and out the window. When they dropped us off they immediately just took off back down the road.

F--"Want to have a girl's weekend?"

B--"Yes!" We walk inside to see Fran and Marcello's mom and dad in the living room.

G--"Hi girls I thought you were shopping."

F--"Well we were but they got pulled away to some business for a few days."

L--"Alright then what are you girls doing for the rest of your day?"

F--"Swimming and tanning!" I just tried to give a genuine smile, but I really hate showing my body.

G--"Have fun!"

B--"Thank you" with that we made our way up to Frans room and she tossed me a couple swimming suits to try on and of course they were a little light since I am bigger than she is but I kind of like the red one on me, so I stuck with that one and walked out seeing her in the exact same on but in light blue. We grabbed a couple of towels before making it back down the stair and outside to have a girl's day, which later on we finished off with pizza, ice cream, and movies.

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