Passed Away

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It was three days later, and I was halfway done with my cleaning for the day I was cleaning the rooms actually I am in Marcello's room. I first fixed his bed after putting brand new sheets and bedding on his bed even though he hasn't slept on them for the past three days, but I decided to just leave his room until he was about to come home.

I am now picking up all the laundry on the floor putting them in my hamper I collect clothes in when I felt my phone buzzed for the third time so I just take the time to get my phone out of my cleaning apron and see that it is the hospital, I hadn't had the chance to talk to my mom this morning because I have been so busy so I take the time and pick up the phone and answer it but instead of my mom's voice I hear Cassandra,

C--"Miss Brie I am sorry to inform you that you Mother Samantha has passed away we revived her twice before we couldn't get a heartbeat back, I am truly sorry and if you need anything from me, please contact me" I didn't reply I just hang up the phone. After a second of it sinking in I drop to my knees then feeling my heart breaking into a million pieces I lean my head against the floor sobbing not caring who heard me. I start hitting the floor.

After I don't know how long I was picked up off the floor and I continued to cry into the person's chest. They had sat down with me, and I stayed there until my sobs turned into just tears leaking down my face and I looked up at the person that helped me up and seen that it is Marcello, but I just looked back down and continued staring at the grey walls of his room.

M--"What happened, can you talk to me?" I didn't answer him for a while then said in my now raspy, tired voice,

B--"My mom died" I felt him pull me closer to him,

M--"I am so sorry Brie."

B--"She fought so hard and yet she lost the fight."

M--"I know Tesoro."

B--"Marcello... my mom died" I started sobbing again,

B--"I have nobody left" I cried even harder, and I stayed that way until I fell asleep crying in his arms. I woke up to light talking all around me and I open my eyes but stay quiet, not moving listening to everybody talking around me. 

G--"We need to get on the plane as soon as possible." 

S--"I remember her to, to be honest now that I am older, and I think back on it I think my dad and her had something going on." 

L--"She was the best."

M--"I will tell the pilot to fuel the plane, get bags packed, Fran please get her a bag packed please, Salvator please tell your dad so he can come too" that is when I noticed that I am still leaning against Marcello's chest as well as sitting on his lap still. I didn't move I felt like I couldn't move then thinking back to everything they said I started to cry. 

M--"How long have you been awake?"

B--"When you mom said we had to leave on a plane" he sighs, and I sit up but feeling physically drained. 

M--"No stay until you're ready to move and everybody is packing, we are all coming with you."

B--"No I am too heavy, I didn't even mean to fall asleep on you, and I have to finish cleaning the house first."

M--"Sit your ass down, you are not cleaning, and we are about to leave as soon as I call the pilot, okay?" I sigh leaning back up against his chest and he wrapped his arm back around me and then I heard him talking to his pilot and I just sit there looking at the wall and then I glanced down at the hand wrapped around my waist and I see his tattoos that I so bad wanted to trace to get my mind off reality but when I heard his voice I raised my head looking at him. 

M--"Everyone is ready"

B--"Can I just ride with you only I don't feel like seeing the sad looks because I might start crying again?" 

M--"Yes that is fine" I nod my head and said, 

B--"Okay I am ready" I moved off his lap and this time he let me, and I see the extremely wet spot on his chest when I turn around and that made me embarrassed so I quickly say, 

B--"I am sorry." 


B--"I ruined your shirt and suit jacket."

M--"Tesoro you really think I care about this? Brie your mom just passed away this is the last thing I am worried about; I am worried about you" he walks into his closet, and I sit down on the bed looking out the big French doors he has. I must have been spaced out when he was done because he kneeled down in front of me and looked at me with one of his emotionless face expression's on and I must have had one on myself. 

M--"Are you ready?" I nod my head and stand up following him out of the room and all the way out of the house and into the waiting car and I don't even dare to look back at his family and friend to afraid that I would break down again. When we were about to the airport, I sniffled from trying to suppress my tears and I asked out loud, 

B--"How am I supposed to.... how am I going to live without the last person in my family, I am all alone in the world now?"

M--"Tesoro I might be paying you, but I am going to tell you something okay? I need you to listen closely, I am here for you and so is my family, okay?" I nod my head and look over at him, 

B--"Thank you"

M--"Your welcome Tesoro" it was quiet the rest of the journey to the airport and once we were there, I boarded the plane sitting down in a seat quickly buckling the belt that laid acrossed my lap and closed my eyes and everybody just sat there in silence, or I would hear a sniffle here and there and I would tear up but I just looked out the window. 

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