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I actually woke up at six this morning too excited for this interview, so I quickly got dressed, did my hair, grabbed my keys, purse, and phone then I was out the door.

I'm leaving a little early so I can drop by and tell mom that I have a job interview this morning. I started to drive to the hospital, and I see it is seven, so I still have until eight thirty to leave and get there in an ok time!

When I reached the hospital, it was seven fifteen, so I quickly found a parking spot quickly turning off my car and getting out. I walked into the hospital greeted the front desk ladies kindly saying that I had only a few minutes to talk to my mom before leaving for an interview so I would talk to them later.

I quickly rush to my mom's room know she would be up already since her treatment is at eight this morning and she likes to be fully awake for it so she can look at her magazines. I open the door quietly just in case she decided to sleep in this morning but when I stepped in my smile brightened when I see her awake laying in her bed, but my smile immediately dropped when I see how tired and sick, she is looking.

S--"Baby girl come here!" I walk over to her plastering a fake smile on my face so she wouldn't see the worry written all over it moments ago.

B--"Good morning momma how are you doing this morning."

S--"Tired but good! I think the treatments are working" I nod my head but we both know they are probably not working.

S--"Well tell me baby girl what are you doing here so early you have been in interviews this early all week?"

B--"Well I have good news; I have an interview this morning that I have to leave for at eight, but I was so excited, and I have a good feeling momma!"

S--"That's good baby girl, here I need to give you something before you leave the hospital, but you can't open it until you 24 birthday" my birthday is in a month's time and I smile nodding taking the envelope that she reached for quickly tucked it in my purse and started talking about different things until I heard Cassandra come in,

C--"It's time for treatments Samantha, are you ready? Hey Brie, how are you?"

S--"Yes I am ready."

B--"I am good about to go to an interview for a maid job!"

C--"Good I am glad you got a job that you wanted!"

S--"Cassandra can you help me out of the bed and into the wheelchair this morning."

C--"Sure thing" when Cassandra was done helping my mom into the wheelchair and we walk out in the hall I lean down and I kiss her cheek saying,

B--"I love you mom; I will see you after the job interview, okay?"

C--"Alright honey I love you to be careful driving there."

B--"I will bye, bye Cassandra" they both waved bye and I took off down the hallway. Once I reach my car I quickly get in and lean my head back against the car seat and close my eyes trying to stop the tears from rolling down my face, but a couple escaped. I let out a long breath then raised my head up wiped my face before starting my car up and pulling out of the parking lot and down the road in the direction of my place of interview.

When I pull up to the hotel and I see the flashy people that are walking in with their name brand clothes, shoes, and bags and I sigh looking down at my outfit, but I couldn't dwell on it for a long time since my interview is in ten minutes and I always like to be early. I get out of my car and walk slowly up to the hotel, and I start feeling the looks aimed at me, but I try to ignore the self-conscious part of me just for a little while. 

When I finally made my way in, I realize that I didn't have any clue as to where I am supposed to be going, the person over email just told me to come here and that is it. After waiting around and getting a few stares I just walk up to the front desk girl and I asked her, 

B--"Hello do you happen to know if anybody is giving interviews here today?"

F--"Like anybody would want to hire you anyways."

B--"Please miss I was told to come here for an interview but no specific instructions."

F--"Like I said before I don't really think you are supposed to be in this hotel nobody would want to hire you anyways" I was about to say okay bye to her, but I heard a voice extremely close to me from behind, 

M--"Now Faith I don't think that is very nice of you to say to a customer, maybe I should take Salvator's opinion and fire you." the front desk girl looked like she had seen a ghost, 

M--"Matter of fact pack your things be out of here in ten minutes and have Paige cover the desk from now on" the girl started to cry, and she grabbed her phone and ran out of the front door, I heard a voice behind me, and I slowly turned around and I was met with a chest only centimeter away from my face. When I looked up his accent definitely matches his appearance perfectly, he has black hair that is nicely cut, professional but also had the just rolled out of bed look. His skin was tan, and I didn't forget to take notice that he is wearing a very expensive suit. 

M--"I am sorry about her Miss. Evans."

B--"Please call me Brie and no problem it doesn't bother me anymore" total lie and why did I have to say that he looked at me for a second before saying, 

M--"Come with me Brie" he started to walk through the hotel lobby and towards a black door and he opens it letting me in first which I thanked him. I looked around when I waited for him to follow behind me and since he had gotten a call and is speaking in Italian I start looking around and I see a huge conference room and you could tell it was only for him since it is really dark in here. 

M--"Sorry about that please have a seat" he gestured to a seat where he scooted out for me and I thank him yet again, I have never the door opened, or seat pulled out kind of treatment before it was kind of weird but nice. 

M--"Okay Brie can you tell me a little about yourself?"

B--"I graduated top of my high school class and when I graduated me and my mom had started our own maid service, but I had a bad..." I adjusted in my seat a little, 

B--"My last boss let's just say wasn't the friendliest boss, I know he was my boss, but he pushed lines but anyways I am sorry for saying that I just wanted you to know that I wasn't fired for anything bad on my part, I actually left that job by myself. And that was two years ago and since then I have been looking for a good stable job. "

M--"Okay, how about how much you can work every week?"

B--"I usually work Monday- Friday but I can work to your liking to sir." 

M--"Monday- Friday would be good, can you clean anything?"

B--"Yes I can clean all kind of different room; I can even cook really well."

M--"Okay well you have the job" I smiled big, but it immediately dropped when he said, 

M--"Okay you have to be packed and ready to move all your stuff you would like to take with us to Italy."


M--"Yes, I live in Italy." I stand up and start to pace, I know I might look so stupid right now, but I had to think. I suddenly stopped pacing and I see him looking at me with no emotion, 

B--"Sir I appreciate this offer more than life it's self since I can't afford my house, car, electricity but my mom has cancer and she is not doing so well and I can't leave her, thank you again" with that I got out of that room and out of that hotel extremely quickly. 

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