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We have been back in the US for two days and the Moretti family has graciously leaned me the money for my mom's funeral and get a new dress which I got just a jet-black loose-fitting dress. It is weird I have felt like I have been here going through the day, but I could not tell you what one thing a person has said to me.

It was the day of the funeral, and I was laying in my bed after a shower, and I was looking out of my window at the tree swaying from the light breeze when my door was opened, and I didn't turn around to look at them. The person walked towards the way that I was laying, and I looked up realizing that tears had come out of my eyes without me knowing it until Marcello had wiped them off,

M--"Tesoro it's time to get ready" I nod and sit up walking to my closet where my dress hung and quickly took off my robe that I was wearing and put a pair of underwear on and bra before slipping on my dress. I walked over to my jewelry box putting on the necklace my mom gave me it was the necklace my real dad gave her, and then put on the earrings that she gave me for my previous birthday. 

I then walk to my shoes finding my best pair of heels slipping them on then walk out seeing that Marcello had already left my room. I quickly walked to my bathroom and pulled my hair back into a low tight bun. Once I was done with my hair I walked out of my room and down the stairs.

I see everybody down there already dressed in their black dresses and suits, I cleared my throat and walked to the door walking out to get some fresh air while I waited on the rest of them. I had my eyes closed with my head looking up at the sky to feel the sun on my face when I heard somebody ask in a sad voice, 

A--"Where did you get that necklace?" I looked down and opened my eyes and I see a tall Italian man standing in front of me, 

B--"My mom did she gave it to me on my eighteenth birthday saying that it was a gift for her but also me when I grew up at the age of eighteen my dad instructed her to give it to me."

A--"Your mother was an incredible woman." 

B--"She was an incredible woman; do you mind me asking who you are?"

A--"I don't mind you asking at all, in fact me and your mother were very close, my name is Angelo Romano, I am Salvator's dad as well." 

B--"Your name... it sounds so familiar?" I questioned out loud but when they door opened the behind me, they broke my concentration, 

M--"Angelo, you made it back just in time we are about to go are you riding with us?"

A--"Yes if I could" he said with a tight smile then smile when he looked over back at me. We all walk to the huge escalade limo that they had so we could all ride together. When we were riding, I kept my gaze out of the window while everyone talked around me in hushed tones. When we arrived, we all walked in, and we had a small visitation for about 30 minutes that made me start crying and then everybody hugged me making the tears come harder with each hug. Then came the funeral where the people that came with me on the trip talked about the good memories that they had of her with them or when they were all together... then it was my time to say a few words. 

B--"My mom she was my best friend, she never tried to change who I was, she never gave a second thought when I wanted to try something new she was right there with me, she always said that one day I would find a love so great that she had found and never again, she would always tell me stories of her and my real dad, she would tell me of the great life she lived and she didn't regret any of it, she was my rock, and my person and I am so sorry that we had to lose a person like we have this week, I love you mom and you will never be forgotten" I kissed the necklace and looked up at the sky then walked off the stage and watched as they lowered her in the ground. We all took a flower and placed it on top of her casket and then we all walked away from the grave when they had finished it. We were in the car, and I said, 

B--"Can you take me back to the house I need to pack the rest of my stuff up and some of my moms and then we can head back." 

M--"We don't have to rush back."

B--"What is the point I have no more family left here." Nobody else said a thing and we just continued our way back to the house, but we pulled up to Mcdonalds which is right down the street from me and Marcello, Salvator, Angelo, and Gabriella all got out of the car and went in while I just kept looking out of the car window at them walking in, they must have been talking about stopping without me realizing it. 

After about fifteen minutes they walked back out to the car carrying a lot of bags and they started to pass out food and once they got everybody their orders Marcello who is the one sitting beside me hands me a bag of food.

B--"It's okay I am not hungry."

A--"I know you are sad, but you need to eat before you make yourself sick and have to go to the hospital." Angelo spoke up and I nodded my head thinking about going to the hospital makes me want to throw up, so I take the food and started eating it and I didn't realize how hungry I really was not eating in a couple days that is when Marcello offered me the rest of his fries and I smiled taking them, 

B--"Thank you."

M--"Your welcome." with that it was quiet everyone continued eating their food until we got home everyone got out of the limo and walked into the house and I sigh looking around and got a box from the corner taking all the valuable down with everyone's help and then I moved to the kitchen grabbing her favorite tea pot placing it in the box that was still in the living room then made it to her room and I took a deep breath then a voice came from behind me, 

M--"Why don't you go lay down and sleep it is getting late and we can do this for you and when you are ready you can look at this stuff in the future" I thought about it for a long time and nodded my head and went to my room changing into some pj's and then laying down. When I was about to sleep, I remembered that I was wearing my jewelry and I sat up in bed taking my earrings off first sitting them on the side table then reaching behind my neck unclasping my necklace looking at it for a while then turning it over to see the message my dad wrote on the back which I haven't looked at in many years, and then a light bulb goes off in my head when I read it, it says....

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