Take The Job

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I didn't end up going to the hospital last night when I got back home and I couldn't hardly sleep last night, that was a good job and I had to pass it up, but I wouldn't change it because I love my mom and she is all I have left, and I need to be here with her in this hard time she is in. My phone rang and I looked at it and saw it was the hospital number from my mom's room, so I picked it up,

S--"Hi honey how did the interview go?"

B--"How are you doing today mom?" I asked ignoring her question,

S--"How did you interview go?"

B--"We can talk about that later, how are you feeling?"

S--"Brie Anne Evans you answer my question." for some reason I start crying.

S--"Tell me what is bothering you."

B--"I am sorry mom, I got the job but then I had to turn it down and it was the perfect job, he allowed me the weekends off and work is just the regular cleaning, he was nice."

S--"Okay so why did you say no to him?"

B--"I ugh had to move to Italy with him to work in his home, he is Italian."

S--"Honey you need to go there with him, you can always come and visit me, I don't want you to throw your life away just because I am in the hospital." I thought about what she had been saying to me over the phone and I said,

B--"He is the kind of person that wouldn't give me another chance momma, but I have another job interview this morning, so I have to get ready for it."

S--"Okay my little dove I love you good luck."

B--"Love you too."


B--"Bye" I got off the phone rubbing my face with my hands then walking to my closet and grabbed my simple black dress, throwing on some black heels, then I walked into my bathroom putting on some eyeliner, mascara, some lip gloss, then finishing the look up with just a simple low bun. I walked out of my bathroom, and I grabbed my purse walking out my bedroom and to my front door. When I opened the door, I jumped back scarred to see Mr. Moretti standing behind my door,

B--"Mr. Moretti what are you doing here?"

M--"I am here to talk to you."

B--"I am actually going to an interview right now."

M--"I know, a strip club waitress doesn't suit you, so I need to talk to you."

B--"I uh- okay please come in" I moved to the side to let him in,

B--"Please have a seat." I closed the door, and I joined him on the couch,

M--"I am going to straight out say this Brie, I want you; I want you for this job because you are the only person, I have interviewed that is the most qualified and I am willing for you to come back every 2 weeks to visit your mom for three days , it will be on Friday, Saturday, Sunday all day but be on my jet by 5 o'clock Sunday. You will be paid $300.00 every week for the first month and when I see that you are doing a great job you will be paid $1,000 per week" I thought about it for a second before nodding my head and smiled at him.

B--"That sounds perfect."

M--"Okay I will give you the rest of the day today and until twelve o'clock tomorrow, then we have to be on the jet and headed to Italy." I nod my head,

B--"Thank you sir" I get up and hold my hand out for him to shake which he did and I had to quickly take my hand away from him when I notice it was a little longer than need be and I blush bringing my hand up tucking in a piece of hair that had fallen out of my bun and he just smirks then walked to the door and said when he opened the door and was about to leave,

M--"I will see you soon Brie." I quickly went into my room switching to leggings and a t-shirt with some Nikes that are beginning to fall apart, and I run to my door running out it quickly locking it and getting in my car taking off to the hospital to tell my mom.

When I arrive at the hospital I quickly jump out of my car and run into the hospital and straight for my mom's room. When I got to her door I ran in and I see her looking up holding her breathing heavy,

S--"Damn it Brie, you scared me."

B--"I am sorry, but he came back and offered me the job once again and he gave me the option that I could come back and see you every 2 weeks for two full days and a half!"

S--"That's great honey, when do you leave?"

B--"I leave tomorrow around noon!"

S--"Well how about you go and get some dinner, maybe Chinese and then we will have dinner together before you leave okay?" I nod my head giving her a quick hug before walking out of the room,

C--"What are you so happy about?"

B--"I got the job, and I worked out my dilemma with my soon to be boss."

C--"That's awesome congratulations!"

B--"Thank you! I will be back me and mom are going to eat dinner together before I have to leave tomorrow!"

C--"Alright bye"

B--"Bye" it is kind of sad that she is the closest thing to a friend but at least she is a good nurse. I get in my car and drive the 5 minutes to the Chinese restaurant and grabbed our favorite food and then drove back to the hospital where me and my mom spent the rest of the night watching movies and eating our food together, and when I was told visiting hours are over my mom said,

S--"Honey, I love you and I wish you the best luck on you journey."

B--"Thank you mom I love you too now I have to go home and pack!" we hugged, and we said our final goodbye for the night, and I left in my car and drove all the way back to my home which is where I stayed up almost all night to get everything packed that I needed.

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