Fun Day

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I was woken by somebody jumping on my bed shaking me awake and when I finally open my eyes, I see Fran sitting there with a big smile on her face,

F--"I got you the day off and we are going to have a fun day, my mom and dad, Angelo and Salvator, and lastly Marcello is coming as well, we are going to walk through the small shops downtown and then get something to eat before coming home" I nod my head and sit up in my bed and get up,

B--"I am not taking a shower this morning since I took one last night so you go pick out an outfit for me and I will quickly go do my hair and a little makeup" she nodded jumping excitedly from my bed and when I walked in to my bathroom I quickly did everything I needed to and I ended up with two French braids and winged eyeliner with mascara and then I walked out of my bathroom,

B--"Do you mind turning around?" She nodded and turned around I quickly put the outfit on, and I smiled at myself,

B--"Fran I don't own this top or shoes?"

F--"They're from my closet but the pants are yours."

B--"Well thank you I love it."

F--"Your welcome you can have it" we walk out of my room after grabbing my purse and then we walked down the stairs and I see everybody already there.

B--"Sorry I took so long."

G--"Your fine honey are you ready to go?" I nod my head and that is when Fran handed me a granola bar and got in the car with everyone else and that is when Marcello spoke really lowly to me and still cold,

M--"Get in my car, you're riding with me" I nod and say a quiet yes sir and climb in his car. Once we started to drive, I started to pick at the flower top that Fran let me borrow out of nervousness, I am sitting in a car with the most hot, sexy, mafia Don, Don of Don's and I am extremely nervous around him when he doesn't talk to me.

M--"Are you done with cleaning for the weekend?"

B--"I don't have to be sir, I know Fran wanted me to come with you all so if you want to take me back, I can continue cleaning sir, it is still Friday, and I am on the clock." He didn't say anything to me and continued driving until we pulled up to a street with many cute stores and, once we parked, I opened up the door breathing in some fresh air and was suddenly grabbed and dragged by Fran and even Gabriella. Us girls walked in and out of stores and I really loved everything about this place it is really beautiful. We have walked in about ten different stores now and the girls had at least five bags each while I had zero. 

G--"Brie you haven't really talked do you not like this? You can always go home if you hate window shopping it will not hurt our feelings."

B--"No this is great I am having a lot of fun." I smiled at them both and Fran said, 

F--"Well you haven't bought anything yet."

B--"Oh I am not buying anything today; I am currently saving money but when I am good on money we will be right back out here and shopping okay?"

G--"Sounds like a plan but I think I am done for the day, are you girls ready for lunch?"

B--"Umm it is dinner time guys" I smiled at their shock looks and looked at each of their phones then cleared their throats, 

F--"Well let's get going then." We walked out of the store, and we were met with the guys all waiting outside for us most likely talking business to one another. We started to walk away before Gabriella turns and whistles at them and motioned for them to follow us when they looked over at us. Fran suddenly says after walking a bit more, 

F--"There can we eat there? They have the best fettuccine alfredo!" 

S--"Sounds good to me" Salvator replied to her, 

G--"Then we should go there!" I followed behind them and went into the expensive looking place to eat at and Marcello was talking to the hostess, 


Hostess--"Are you sure sir? I count six."

M--"Do I look stupid or something I said seven." she nodded and walked away but not before adding some extra sway to her hips that makes her look like she is trying way to hard. 

S--"Don't worry sis she is always a bitch" I smiled up at him and looked and seen that the girl had heard Salvator's comment. We all sat down, and she asked each of us our drink orders and I just stuck with a water, and she went away to get them. I was looking at the menu and cringed at the prices I saw but I decided to get something smaller in price and then just clean tonight to make up for the cost and put that money right back to my savings, 

Hostess--"What would everybody like to eat?" everyone ordered and then it got to me, and I ordered the small spaghetti, and everyone looked at me funny and I just kept looking at the center piece while they all talked about something that I wasn't listening to. I must have had been staring for a while because the girl walked our food and when she sat it down in front of me, I now understood why everyone had looked at me funny just a minute ago, It was a extremely small portion and it cost $85.00 while their meals cost $95.00 for a medium sized portion, and a large is $100.00. I ate my small amount and Salvator looked over at me and asked quietly, 

S--"Do you want anything else?"

B--"No I am fine, thank you though."

S--"Are you sure it was only a small amount."

B--"Really I am fine" it's not like I need it anyways, she started handing out to books and for each of our order and I take mine off the table quickly grabbing my purse and putting the $85.00 I had in it and gave it back to her which left me with $5.00 left out of the money I brought with me. We then walked out, and Lorenzo offered paying for us to all go and watch a movie while Angelo, Salvator, Fran, said yes, I said a quiet no which cause everyone to look at me,

B--"Don't worry Marcello can go with you all, I will just go call and uber or get a taxi, bye everyone" I waved then started walking away, when I was about 5 minutes away from where we all stopped and talked about the movies and I took out my phone pulling out my phone and pulling up uber drivers and was about to call one when I heard Marcello behind me, 

M--"Don't worry Brie I am taking you back home." 

B--"No go back and enjoy a movie with your family." 

M--"I will come back and watch one with them, they are watching one then going to a local bar that I own, since it is still early enough to go, and I will catch either place with them but for now I am giving you a ride home now let's get going." He drove me back just like he said and once I was in the house he drove off and I looked around the quiet house sat my purse down and started my cleaning from today that I didn't get to do today and hopefully I will be done by the time they get home. 

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