Getting Ready

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It is two days later and around four in the afternoon and I need to start getting ready for the ball, but I am having a hard time even wanting to get up right now, this morning I had no morning sickness, but it is catching up with me and I have no clue what to do so I text Marcello asking him to come up here really quick.

M--"Hey Tesoro"

B--"Hey I know I am actually really late getting ready, but my stomach is really upset right now, and I have no clue what to do about it, and I realize now that it was really stupid to text you sorry you were probably busy."

M--"Brie baby you need to calm down and it was not stupid, I will get Fran and mom to come up and help and I will be back with some things to help you, okay?" I nod my head and lay my head on my vanity and close my eyes for a minute until the girls come in along with Marcello which had a yellow Gatorade, and two packs of peanut butter crackers and I thank him and he gives me a kiss before leaving saying he had to go get ready really quick, and since I was getting ready in here he offered to use my old room to get ready in. As Gabriella starts to do my hair I ask,

B--"So who's ball are we going too?"

G--"Every year there is a ball that everyone is supposed to come to in the Mafia world, we had to host it last year and they switch every year."

B--"Okay who is the host this year" she went quiet, and Fran stopped moving and her body went stiff,


G--"It is Danial sweetie" my stomach turned, and I quickly got up and threw up in the toilet. I puked everything up that I could get up when I heard.

M--"Where is she?"

F--"Bathroom" I sit back against the wall and look at the doorway when he entered the room and he kneeled down in front of me and said while pushing a piece of hair out of my face,

M--"We are not going go ahead and go lay in bed and I will tell everyone." I shake my head no,

B--"We have to go, if not it will look like we are scared of them, and we are not" I lied I am a little afraid not so much of them but losing the family that I have gained while working here and I am worried about our baby. 

M--"You're a terrible liar, and I will send my father and mother there to go in our place does that sound good?" I sigh and nod my head and he helped me stand up from the floor and we walked back into the room, and I see both of them gone already and he picks up his phone from the bed and dials a number then bringing it up to his ear. 

M--"ciao padre, ho un aggiornamento ho bisogno che tu e mamma andate al ballo stasera e se anche gli altri vogliono farlo, Brie non si sente all'altezza." I looked at him whole he was speaking his native tongue and gosh was he incredibly sexy, he puts his phone down after his dad had replied to him and he strips out of his party attire and goes and gets a pair of sweatpants on and laid down beside me pulling me close to him cuddling together. (Translation: hello father, I have an update I need you and mom to go to the ball tonight and if the others want to as well, Brie is not feeling up to it) 

B--"Can we watch a movie?" he was silent for a minute, and I thought for a second that he didn't hear me but that was the opposite, 

M--"Well since we are having some alone time how about we make it like an at home date, since we have never had one before" I thought about it for only a second before I say, 

B--"That sound perfect."

M--"Okay what would you like to eat?"

B--"I really want Chinese."

M--"Do you think you can keep the food down?"

B--"Yep I feel better after throwing up earlier." he nods and asks me, 

M--"Do you want the noodles instead of the rice, with chicken and broccoli, that is your order still, right?"

B--"Yes I want that, but I want an order of crab rangoon's, and an order of the small circle donuts they sell there too please."

M--"You got it, and what to drink?"

B--"A cherry coke please" he called and said our order and it should be here in a while he then calls somebody else, 

M--"Hey Tom just letting you know I am ordering Chinese food, if you could pay for it at the gate and drive it up to the house and just bring it up to our room, I will give you the money when you get up here at the house" he must have agreed because he just hung up and pulled me closer to him and handed me the remote saying, 

M--"Pick whatever movie you want to watch tonight with dinner" I nod and started scrolling across the movies and finally after twenty minutes our food arrives at our door and when he gives his employee money, he gives him a hundred to pay him back and for the trouble of bringing it all the way up here for us. As we eat our food, we talk to each other about stuff somebody on a first date would talk about and we find out that we actually know a lot about each other. As we were watching the movie together when we heard people talking downstairs, so he pauses the movies and listens to him intently, 

Intruder#1--" We have to know why she didn't show up, the boss really wants his answer."

Intruder#2--"Yeah now let's find her."

Intruder#3--"Yeah before he kills us, get to work" he gets up off the bed and grabs my hand pulling me behind him. We walked into the closet, and we walked to his side of it and he pushed all of his clothes away and pushed a red button I had never seen there before,

M--"Go in there and don't come out until I say it is okay" I nod and climb in the small secret hiding place and wait for him to tell me it's fine to come, and after a little while of listening to bullets, I hear Marcello say,

M--"Tesoro you can come out now, just pull the red lever by the door down" I did and hugged him as soon as I was out of it and he hugged my tight to him,

M--"Everyone is on their way back, now while me and the guys have a talk with the survivor you stay with the girls, okay?"


M--"Now until they get back, we can finally our last little alone time together."

B--"I would love that" while waiting on them to get back and with me scared clinging to Marcello we cuddled and when they all got back it's like a switch flipped in his mind and they were all business for the rest of the night.

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